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1,586cc, 1,796cc, 1,970cc and 1,998cc Engines
  1. Raise the hood and disconnect the battery ground cable.
  2. Remove the carburetor air cleaner and air intake tube.
  3. Disconnect the battery cable from the starter solenoid battery terminal.
  4. Pull the ignition switch wire from the solenoid terminal.
  5. Raise and support the truck on jackstands.
  6. Working under the truck, remove the two starter attaching bolts, washers and nuts.
  7. Tilt the drive end of the starter and remove the starter by working it out below the emission system hoses. To install:
  8. Install the starter and two bolts, washers and nuts.
  9. Connect the ignition switch wire to the solenoid terminal.
  10. Connect the battery cable to the solenoid battery terminal.
  11. Install the carburetor air cleaner and air intake tube.
  12. Connect the ground cable to the battery.
  13. Lower the truck to the ground and check the operation of the starter.
2,209cc Engine
  1. Disconnect the battery ground (negative) cable from the battery.
  2. Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
  3. Tag and remove the wires connected to the starter motor. Tagging the wires helps when reinstalling the starter motor.
  4. Loosen and remove the two mounting bolts, make sure to support the weight of the starter motor.
  5. Before installation of the motor, be sure to clean the mating surfaces of both the starter and the engine block.
  6. Place the starter motor into position. Secure it with the mounting bolts. Connect the cables and wiring harness.
Rotary Engine

NOTE: There are two possible locations for the starter motor; one is the lower right-hand side of the engine and the other is on the upper right-hand side.

  1. Remove the ground cable from the negative (–) battery terminal.
  2. If the truck is equipped with the lower mounted starter, remove the gravel shield from underneath the engine.

    Be extremely careful not to contact the hot exhaust pipe, while working underneath the car.

  3. Remove the battery cable from the starter terminal.
  4. Disconnect the solenoid leads from the solenoid terminals.
  5. Remove the starter securing bolts and withdraw the starter assembly.
  6. Installation is the reverse of the above steps.

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