NOTE: Label all vacuum and fuel lines to avoid confusion.
- Remove the air cleaner and duct.
- Disconnect the accelerator linkage from the throttle lever.
- Disconnect and plug the fuel supply and fuel return lines and plug these.
- Disconnect the leads from the throttle solenoid and deceleration valve at
the quick-disconnects.
- Disconnect the carburetor-to-distributor vacuum line.
- Disconnect the throttle return spring.
- Disconnect the choke cable, and, if equipped, the cruise control cable.
- Remove the carburetor attaching nuts from the intake manifold studs and
remove the carburetor. The attaching nuts are tucked underneath the carburetor
body and are difficult to reach; a small socket with an ``L'' shaped hex drive,
or a short, thin wrench sold for work on ignition systems will make removal
easier. To install:
- Install a new carburetor gasket on the manifold.
- Install the carburetor and tighten the carburetor attaching nuts.
- Connect the throttle return spring.
- Connect the accelerator shaft to the throttle shaft.
- Connect the electrical leads to the throttle solenoid and deceleration valve.
- Connect the distributor vacuum line.
- Connect the fuel supply and fuel return lines.
- Connect and adjust the choke cable and, if equipped, the cruise control
- Install the air cleaner and duct.
- Start the engine and check for fuel leaks.
- Remove the air cleaner assembly, complete with its hoses and mounting bracket.
- Detach the choke and accelerator cables from the carburetor.
- Disconnect the fuel and vacuum lines from the carburetor.
- Remove the oil line which runs to the metering oil pump, at the carburetor.
- Unfasten the idle sensor switch wiring, if so equipped.
- Remove the carburetor attaching nuts and/or bolts, gasket or heat insulator,
and remove the carburetor.
- Installation is performed in the reverse order of removal. Use a new gasket.
Fill the float bowl with gasoline to aid in engine starting.