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Fig. 1: Front shock absorber upper nut tightening specification for B1600 trucks

Fig. 2: Front shock absorber upper nut tightening specifications for the rotary pick-up, B1800, and 1979–84 B2000 trucks

Fig. 3: Front shock absorber upper nut tightening specification for 1986 trucks

Fig. 4: To remove the front shock absorber, loosen the upper shock absorber mounting nut (arrow) . . .

Fig. 5: . . . then remove the lower shock absorber mounting bolt

Fig. 6: Spraying the bolts with a rust penetrating product may aid in removal

  1. Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
  2. Remove the upper end nut, bushings and washers from the shock stem.
  3. Remove the lower end attaching bolts.
  4. Remove the shock from beneath the lower control arm.
  5. Installation is the reverse of removal. Tighten the lower bolts to 25 ft. lbs. on 1972–84 trucks, and 55–59 ft. lbs. on 1986 trucks. Tighten the upper nut until 6mm (0.236 in.) of thread is visible above the locknut on the Rotary Pick-Up, B1800, and 1979–84 B2000, or 3mm (0.118 in.) on the B1600. On 1986 trucks, tighten the upper nut to 17–25 ft. lbs. At this point, 7mm (0.276 in.) of thread should be visible above the nut.

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