The brakes should be cool prior to adjustment.
- Raise and support the rear end on jackstands.
- Release the parking brake.
- Disconnect the parking brake equalizer clevis pin.
- Remove the adjusting slot plugs from the backing plates.
- Insert a brake adjusting tool into the lower slot and engage the starwheel.
- Turn the starwheel until the brake shoes lock the wheel, then back it off
5 notches.
- Repeat this procedure for the top starwheel, then continue on to the other
wheel and adjust those brakes in the same sequence.
- When adjustment is complete, make sure that each wheel rotates freely, with
no drag.
The rear drum brakes are self-adjusting on 1979 and later models. Manual adjustment
is required only when the brake shoes have been replaced, or when the length
of the self-adjusting rod has been changes for some reason. The brakes should
be cold (room temperature).
- If the shoe retaining spring has been removed, first retract the pushrod
fully (drum removed).
- Raise and support the rear of the truck. The wheels must be free to turn.
- Make sure the parking brake is fully released.
- Remove the two adjusting hole plugs from the brake backing plate.
- An arrow stamped on the backing plate indicates the direction to turn the
adjuster starwheel to expand the shoes. Insert a brake spoon through the adjuster
hole and turn the starwheel until the brakes are locked.
- Insert a drift through the other adjuster hole. Use the drift to hold the
pole lever of the self-adjuster firmly. Back off the starwheel three or four
notches; the wheel should rotate freely (no drag).
- Repeat the adjustment on the other wheel. Make sure the adjustment is exactly
the same. Road test for equal brake action and readjust as necessary.