Fig. 1: Diagram of the 1972–74 parking brake linkage — 1975–84
linkage is similar
Fig. 2: Diagram of the 1986 parking brake linkage
Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
Remove the adjusting nut.
Separate the front cable from the equalizer and remove the jam nut.
Remove the return spring and boot from the housing.
Pull the lower housing forward and out of the slotted frame bracket. Slip
the cable shaft sideways through the slot until the cable and housing are
free of the bracket.
Disengage the cable connector from the brake lever by removing the clevis
pin and retainer.
Remove the upper cable housing retaining clip and pull the cable and housing
from the slotted bracket on the firewall.
Push the cable, cable housing and dust shield grommet through the firewall
opening and into the engine compartment.