Brake Systems
Brake Caliper
Front or Rear
Raise and safely support the vehicle. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
Remove the banjo bolt and disconnect the brake hose from the caliper. Plug the hose to prevent fluid leakage.
Remove the caliper mounting bolt and pivot the caliper about the mounting pin and off the brake rotor. Remove the caliper from the pin.
Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. Lubricate the caliper mounting bolts or bolt and pin prior to installation.
Tighten the caliper mounting bolt(s) to:
Front caliper: 61–69 ft. lbs. (83–93 Nm)
Rear caliper: 37–50 ft. lbs. (50–68 Nm)
Bleed the brake system.
Fig. 1: Front disc brake assembly — MPV
Fig. 2: Rear disc brake assembly — MPV