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Disc Brake Pads


Front or Rear
  1. Raise and support the front end on jackstands.
  2. Remove the wheels.
  3. Remove the lower lock pin bolt from the caliper.
  4. Rotate the caliper upward and remove the brake pads, shims, guide plates and if equipped, the springs.

    To install:

  5. Remove the master cylinder reservoir cap and remove about 12 of the fluid from the reservoir.
  6. Using a large C-clamp and piece of wood, depress the caliper piston(s) until they bottom in their bores.
  7. Install the shims, guide plates, new pads and if removed, the springs.
  8. Reposition the caliper and install the lock pin bolt. Torque the lockbolt to:
  9. Install the wheels, lower the vehicle, refill the master cylinder and depress the brake pedal a few times to restore pressure. Bleed the system if required.

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