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Before servicing any vehicle, please be sure to read all of the following precautions, which deal with personal safety, prevention of component damage and important points to take into consideration when servicing a motor vehicle:

Many electronic components are considered to be "static sensitive". This means that their electronic components are vulnerable to damage from the natural static electricity that builds up on people and other objects if not properly discharged.

In the event of static damage, components might fail immediately or might continue to operate, but suffer unexpected failure later. To eliminate the problem you and the work place where you handle static sensitive components must be designed to discharge any static electricity that might build up and do so in a safe manner. "Safe" means safe to you and the component/device being handled. Static electricity arises when non-conducting materials move (rub) over each other. Electronic components can be damaged at very low voltages, starting from as low as five volts. Static electricity is generated every time you move, but the principal causes are walking on a man made surface (nylon carpet), movement in your chair (clothes against the fabric of the seat) and movement between your clothes and yourself. As a rule man made materials (nylon, polyester) are more vulnerable than natural materials such as leather and cotton. Voltages of hundreds to low thousands are common. The "snap" of a static discharge that you can hear on a dry day occurs at voltages far in excess of those at which damage might occur in electronic devices. Thus you will not be aware if you are carrying dangerous levels of static, you must assume that you are. To protect an electronic device, you, your tools, your work bench and the electronic device must be at the same potential. Practically speaking that potential value is ground.

In order to discharge any static electricity that might build up, you need to discharge it to ground. For the most technicians, the best way to achieve this is by wearing an appropriate wrist strap. The wrist strap will have a wire to ground to discharge any body potential. The ground wire MUST contain a series resistor of at least 1 million ohms, (10M is a good value) this will avoid an accidental induction of current into the wrist band if the ground lead comes in contact with live current.

Cleanliness and Care, Shop Practice

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