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Pinion Seal

Removal & Installation

To Remove:

This operation disturbs the differential pinion bearing preload. Carefully reset the preload during assembly.

You must shut off the electrical power to the air suspension system before jacking, hoisting, or towing an air suspension vehicle. This can be done by turning off the air suspension switch located in the rear jack storage area. Failing to do this may result in unexpected deflation or inflation of the air springs, which may cause shifting of the vehicle during these procedures.

  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle.

    NOTE: The front wheels and tires and brake calipers must be removed to prevent drag during the drive pinion preload recording and adjustment.

  2. Remove the front tires and wheels.

    When removing the disc brake caliper, do not let it hang from the brake hose. Make sure it is appropriately supported.

  3. As an assembly, remove the brake caliper and anchor plate.
  4. Put an alignment mark on the front driveshaft and pinion flange.

    Do not let the driveshaft hang suspended. Make sure it is appropriately supported.

  5. Disconnect the front driveshaft from the pinion flange, and move it to the side.
  6. Measure the pinion bearing preload by using an in-lb (Nm) torque wrench to measure the torque needed to maintain pinion rotation. Write down this measurement.
  7. Make an alignment mark on the pinion flange and pinion stem.
  8. Use the companion flange holding tool (205-126) to hold the pinion flange while you remove the nut.

    Put a drain pan underneath the differential housing.

  9. Use the 2-jaw puller (205-D072) to remove the pinion flange.
  10. Look for burrs and damage on the pinion flange. Look for nicks on the end of the pinion flange that contacts the bearing cone, the nut counterbore, and the seal surface. If necessary, throw out the pinion flange.
  11. Using the converter oil seal remover (307-309) and an appropriate impact slide hammer, remove the pinion seal.
  12. Remove the front axle drive pinion shaft oil slinger and the differential pinion bearing.
  13. Remove and throw away the collapsible spacer.

To Install:

  1. Make sure that the splines on the pinion stem do not have burrs. If burrs are present, remove them with a fine crocus cloth. As you wipe the pinion clean, work in a rotating motion.
  2. Clean the pinion seal bore.
  3. Install a new collapsible spacer.
  4. Install the original differential pinion bearing and the front axle drive pinion shaft oil slinger.
  5. Lubricate the pinion seal.

    NOTE: Pinion seal damage will result if the pinion seal is not completely seated all the way around.

  6. Use the pinion seal replacer (205-133) to install the pinion seal.
  7. Lubricate the pinion flange splines.

    Do not use a metal hammer on the pinion flange or install the flange using power tools. If needed, use a plastic hammer to tap on a flange that fits tightly.

  8. Line up the alignment marks made during removal to install the pinion flange.
  9. Install the new nut hand-tight.

    Do not loosen the nut to reduce the preload. Install a new collapsible spacer and nut if preload reduction is necessary.

  10. Using the companion flange holding tool (205-126), hold the pinion flange while tightening the nut to set the preload. To do this, tighten the nut and turn the pinion occasionally to ensure that the differential pinion bearings are seated correctly. By turning the pinion with an in-lb (Nm) torque wrench, take many differential pinion bearing preload readings. The final reading must be 5 in-lb (0.56 Nm) more than the initial reading taken during removal.
  11. Line up the alignment marks made during removal and position the front driveshaft.
  12. Install the universal joint spider retainers and bolts. Torque to 14 ft-lb (19 Nm).
  13. Check the fluid level and fill the axle to specification with lubricant, if necessary.
  14. Install the caliper and anchor plate assembly. Torque to 80 ft-lb (108 Nm).
  15. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
  16. Lower the vehicle.

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