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Parking Brake Cables

Removal & Installation


To Remove:

  1. Remove the parking brake control.
  2. Disconnect the front parking brake cable from the parking brake control.
  3. Remove the front parking brake cable and conduit housing by compressing the front parking brake cable and conduit-to-parking brake control clip then removing the front parking brake cable and conduit housing.

To Install:

NOTE: Be sure the cable is routed through the loop on the takeup spool.

  1. Install the front parking brake cable and conduit housing.
  2. Connect the front parking brake cable to the parking brake control.
  3. Install the parking brake control.

To Remove:

NOTE: Be sure the parking brake control is completely released.

  1. Relieve the tension on the parking brake system by pulling down on the parking brake cable and conduit, then inserting a 5/32 in (4 mm) drill bit in the parking brake control, then remove the drum brake shoes.

    NOTE: Disconnect the parking brake intermediate cable from the end of the connector with the locating hole.

  2. Disconnect the parking brake intermediate cable from the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit.
  3. At the parking brake cable equalizer, separate the right-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit from the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit.
  4. Remove the right-hand parking brake rear cable and the wireform bracket from the vehicle.
  5. Remove the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit from the parking brake cable bracket then remove the right-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit from the right-hand hydraulic brake line clips.
  6. On the top of the rear axle housing, unclip the parking brake rear cable and conduit from the brake line clip then disconnect the parking brake cable from the parking brake lever.
  7. Remove the parking brake rear cable and conduit.

To Install:

  1. Install the parking brake rear cable and conduit.
  2. Connect the parking brake cable to the parking brake lever.
  3. On the top of the rear axle housing, clip the parking brake rear cable and conduit to the brake line clip.
  4. Install the right-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit to the right-hand hydraulic brake line clips, then install the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit to the parking brake cable bracket.
  5. Install the right-hand parking brake rear cable and the wireform bracket to the vehicle. Torque to 26 ft-lb (35 Nm).
  6. At the parking brake cable equalizer, connect the right-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit to the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit.
  7. Connect the parking brake intermediate cable from the left-hand parking brake rear cable and conduit, then install the drum brake shoes.
  8. Slightly depress the parking brake and remove the drill bit.

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