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Crankshaft Pulley

Removal & Installation

To Remove:

  1. Remove the fan and shroud.
  2. Remove the accessory drive belt and bolt. Throw away the bolt.
  3. Use the crankshaft damper remover tool (303-101) to remove the crankshaft pulley.
  4. Remove the crankshaft key if necessary.

To Install:

  1. Install the crankshaft key if necessary.
  2. Use the crankshaft damper replacer (303-102) to install the crankshaft pulley. Before doing this, coat the sealing surfaces of the crankshaft damper with clean motor oil and coat the crankshaft damper keyway with silicone rubber gasket and sealant.
  3. Install a new bolt and tighten it in the following steps:
  4. Install the drive belt.
  5. Install the fan and shroud.

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