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Ball Joint

Removal & Installation

Upper Ball Joint

NOTE: The upper ball joint is non-serviceable. If the ball joint requires replacement, the upper control arm must be replaced.

Lower Ball Joint (2WD)

To Remove:

  1. Put the vehicle in NEUTRAL, then raise and safely support the vehicle.
  2. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.

    Do not let the disc brake caliper hang from the brake hose. Support it appropriately.

  3. Remove the caliper support bracket bolts, then position the caliper and support bracket aside.
  4. Disconnect the front anti-lock brake sensor (ABS) wire from the vehicle frame.
  5. Using an appropriate jack, support the front suspension lower arm.
  6. Remove the tie-rod end castellated nut and cotter pin and throw away.

    Do not use a hammer to separate the tie-rod and the wheel knuckle or the result will be damage to the wheel knuckle.

    Be careful not to damage the tie-rod boot while installing the tie-rod end remover tool (211-001).

  7. Use the tie-rod end remover tool (special tool #211-001) to separate the tie-rod end from the front wheel knuckle.
  8. Remove the lower ball joint castellated nut and cotter pin and throw away.
  9. Use the C-frame and screw installer/remover tool (special tool #211-023) to separate the front wheel knuckle from the front suspension lower arm. Next, loosely install the lower ball joint castellated nut.
  10. Remove the pinch bolt and nut.
  11. Remove the hand-tightened lower ball joint castellated nut, and then remove the front wheel knuckle.
  12. Remove the snap ring from the ball joint. Throw away the snap ring.
  13. Use an appropriate ball joint remover tool to remove the ball joint.

When installing the special tool, be careful not to damage the ball joint boot.

To Install:

NOTE: Thoroughly clean and examine the control arm ball joint bore for signs of damage prior to installing a new ball joint.

NOTE: Be sure to completely seat the new ball joint snap ring.

  1. Install the ball joint.
  2. Install a new snap ring.
  3. Install the front wheel knuckle.
  4. Install the pinch bolt and nut. Torque to 41 ft-lb (55 Nm).
  5. Use the C-frame and screw installer/remover tool (211-023) to connect the front wheel knuckle to the front suspension lower arm.
  6. Install the new lower ball joint castellated nut and new cotter pin. Torque to 98 ft-lb (133 Nm).
  7. Connect the tie-rod end to the front wheel knuckle.
  8. Install the new tie-rod end castellated nut and new cotter pin. Torque to 52 ft-lb (70 Nm).
  9. Connect the front ABS wire to the vehicle frame.
  10. Install the caliper support bracket and bolts. Torque to 83 ft-lb (112 Nm).
  11. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
  12. Safely lower the vehicle.
Lower Ball Joint (4WD)

To Remove:

  1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
  2. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.

    The torque prevailing design hub nut and washer assembly should not be reused.

  3. Remove the hub nut and washer assembly and throw away.

    Be sure not to let the disc brake caliper hang from the brake hose unsuspended. Use an appropriate support to prevent this from happening.

  4. Remove the caliper support bracket bolts and place the caliper and support bracket to the side.
  5. Remove the brake disc.

    Do not use a hammer to separate the outboard front wheel halfshaft joint from the wheel hub because this can damage the outboard CV joint stub shaft threads and internal CV joint components.

  6. Use a front wheel hub remover (special tool #205-D070), or an appropriate equivalent, to separate the outboard front wheel halfshaft joint from the wheel hub and then remove the front wheel hub remover.
  7. Disconnect the front anti-lock brake sensor (ABS) electrical connector then unclip the front ABS wire from the vehicle frame.
  8. Using an appropriate jack, support the front suspension lower arm.

    Secure the front axle shaft to prevent it from overextending, otherwise the front axle shaft may become damaged.

  9. Support the front axle shaft with wire.
  10. Remove the cotter pin then remove the tie-rod end castellated nut. Discard both pieces.

    Do not use a hammer to separate the tie-rod from the wheel knuckle because this will damage the wheel knuckle.

    Be careful not to damage the tie-rod boot when installing the tie rod end remover (special tool #211-001) or a suitable equivalent.

  11. Using the tie rod end remover (special tool #211-001), separate the tie-rod end from the front wheel knuckle.
  12. Remove the cotter pin and lower ball joint castellated nut, then throw away both parts.
  13. Using a C-frame and screw remover/installer (special tool #211-023), separate the front wheel knuckle from the front suspension lower arm then, loosely install the lower ball joint castellated nut.
  14. Remove the pinch bolt and nut.
  15. Remove the hand-tightened lower ball joint castellated nut, then remove the front wheel knuckle.
  16. Remove the snap ring from the ball joint. Discard the snap ring.
  17. Using a suitable ball joint remover tool, remove the ball joint.

Be careful not to damage the ball joint boot when installing the special tool.

NOTE: Clean and inspect the control arm ball joint bore for damage before installing a new ball joint.

NOTE: Make sure the new ball joint snap ring is fully seated.

To Install:

Be careful not to damage the ball joint boot when installing the special tool.

NOTE: Clean and inspect the control arm ball joint bore for damage before installing a new ball joint.

NOTE: Always install new castellated nuts and cotter pins. Make sure the new ball joint snap ring is fully seated.

  1. Properly install the ball joint.
  2. Install a new snap ring onto the ball joint.
  3. Install the front wheel knuckle and install the hand-tightened lower ball joint castellated nut.
  4. Install the pinch bolt and nut. Tighten to 41 ft-lb (55 Nm).
  5. the lower ball joint castellated nut.
  6. Install a new cotter pin and a new lower ball joint castellated nut. Tighten to 98 ft-lb (133 Nm).
  7. Attach the tie-rod end onto the front wheel knuckle.

    Be careful not to damage the tie-rod boot when installing the tie rod end remover (special tool #211-001) or a suitable equivalent.

  8. Install a new tie-rod end castellated nut, then install a new cotter pin. Tighten to 52 ft-lb (70 Nm).
  9. Remove the jack that has been supporting the front suspension lower arm.
  10. Clip the front ABS wire to the vehicle frame, then connect the front anti-lock brake sensor (ABS) electrical connector.
  11. Fasten the outboard front wheel halfshaft joint onto the wheel hub.
  12. Install the brake disc.
  13. Install the caliper and caliper support bracket bolts. Tighten to 83 ft-lb (112 Nm).
  14. Install a new washer assembly and hub nut.
  15. Install the wheel and tire assembly.
  16. Safely lover the vehicle.

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