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Removal & Installation


Protégé 1.5L (Z5D) and 1.8L (BPD) Engines
  1. Remove all necessary components for access to the timing belt covers, then remove the covers.
  2. Turn the crankshaft until the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket aligns with the timing mark on the oil pump and the camshaft sprocket timing marks align on the camshaft sprockets.
  3. Remove the crankshaft pulley lockbolt and pulley boss.
  4. Lower the vehicle. Insert a camshaft sprocket holding tool between the camshaft sprockets.
  5. Loosen the tensioner pulley lockbolt. Pull the tensioner pulley away from the center of the engine to reduce the tension on the timing belt.
  6. If the timing belt is to be reused, mark the direction of rotation on the timing belt. Remove the timing belt.
  7. To remove the tensioner, unhook the tensioner spring, and remove the pulley lockbolt and tensioner.

    Fig. 1: Proper timing belt sprocket mark alignment for belt installation-Mazda 1.5L (Z5D) engine

    Fig. 2: When properly positioning the timing belt sprocket marks, be sure the two I's are aligned and the two E's are aligned as indicated-Mazda Protégé and Miata 1.8L (BPD) engines

    To install:

  8. Install the crankshaft sprocket bolt. Install the flywheel locking tool, if equipped with automatic transaxle, or place the shift lever in 4th gear and apply the parking brake, if equipped with manual transaxle. Tighten the bolt to 108-116 ft. lbs. (147-157 Nm).
  9. Be sure the timing marks on the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets are still aligned.
  10. If removed, position the tensioner with the spring fully extended, and install the lockbolt tightening the mounting bolt to 28-38 ft. lbs. (38-51 Nm).
  11. Install the timing belt. If reusing the original timing belt, be sure it is installed in the same direction of rotation.
  12. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise 1 56 turns and align the timing marks. Be sure all marks are still correctly aligned.
  13. Loosen the tensioner lockbolt to apply tension to the timing belt. Tighten the tensioner lockbolt to 28-38 ft. lbs. (38-51 Nm). Remove the holding tool from between the camshaft sprockets.
  14. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise 2 16 turns and be sure all marks are still correctly aligned.
  15. Raise and safely support the vehicle. Install the crankshaft pulley lockbolt and boss. Tighten the bolt to 116-122 ft. lbs. (157-166 Nm).
  16. Install the timing belt covers.
2.0L (FS) Engine
  1. Remove the timing belt covers. Temporarily reinstall the crankshaft pulley bolt.
  2. Turn the crankshaft until the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket aligns with the timing mark on the oil pump and the camshaft sprocket timing marks E and I align on the camshaft sprockets.
  3. Lower the vehicle. Insert a camshaft sprocket holding tool between the camshaft sprockets.
  4. Turn the timing belt tensioner with an Allen wrench and remove the tensioner spring from the hook pin.
  5. If the timing belt is to be reused, mark the direction of rotation on the timing belt. Remove the timing belt.

    Fig. 3: When properly aligned for belt removal, the cam gear marks should face each other-Mazda 2.0L (FS) engines

    To install:

  6. Install the crankshaft sprocket bolt. Install the flywheel locking tool, if equipped with automatic transaxle, or place the shift lever in 4th gear and apply the parking brake, if equipped with manual transaxle. Tighten the bolt to 108-116 ft. lbs. (147-157 Nm).
  7. Be sure the timing marks on the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets are still aligned.
  8. Install the timing belt. If reusing the original timing belt, be sure it is installed in the same direction of rotation.
  9. Turn the tensioner clockwise with an Allen wrench and install the tensioner spring. Remove the holding tool from between the camshaft sprockets.
  10. Rotate the crankshaft 2 turns in the normal direction of rotation and align the timing marks. Be sure all marks are still correctly aligned.
  11. Raise and safely support the vehicle. Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt and install the timing belt covers.
Miata 1.8L (BPD) Engine
  1. Remove all necessary components for access to the valve cover, then remove the cover.
  2. Remove the spark plugs.

    NOTE: Spark plugs are removed to make it easier to rotate the engine.

  3. Remove the upper, middle and lower timing belt covers.
  4. Turn the crankshaft until the timing marks on the crankshaft and camshaft sprockets are aligned. The pin on the pulley boss must face upward. Hold the crankshaft pulley boss with a suitable tool and remove the pulley lockbolt, being careful not to rotate the crankshaft. Remove the crankshaft pulley boss.
  5. Mark the direction of rotation on the timing belt. Loosen the tensioner lockbolt and pry the tensioner outward. Tighten the lockbolt with the tensioner spring fully extended. Remove the timing belt.

    NOTE: Protect the tensioner with a shop towel before prying on it. Do not rotate the crankshaft after the timing belt has been removed.

  6. Remove the tensioner and spring. If necessary, remove the idler pulley.
  7. Inspect the belt for wear, peeling, cracking, hardening or signs of oil contamination. Inspect the tensioner for free and smooth rotation. Check the tensioner spring free length; it should not exceed 2.315 in. (58.8mm). Inspect the sprocket teeth for wear or damage. Replace parts, as necessary.

    To install:

  8. Install the crankshaft sprocket bolt. Install the flywheel locking tool, if equipped with automatic transaxle, or place the shift lever in 4th gear and apply the parking brake, if equipped with manual transaxle. Tighten the bolt to 108-116 ft. lbs. (147-157 Nm).
  9. If removed, install the idler pulley and tighten the bolt to 38 ft. lbs. (52 Nm).
  10. Install the tensioner and tensioner spring. Pry the tensioner outward and temporarily tighten the tensioner lockbolt with the tensioner spring fully extended.
  11. Be sure the crankshaft sprocket timing mark is aligned with the mark on the oil pump housing. Be sure the camshaft sprocket timing marks are aligned with the marks on the seal plate.
  12. Install the timing belt so there is no looseness at the idler pulley side or between the camshaft sprockets. If reusing the old belt, be sure it is installed in the same direction of rotation.
  13. Temporarily install the pulley boss and lockbolt.
  14. Turn the crankshaft 2 turns clockwise and align the crankshaft sprocket timing mark. Face the pin on the pulley boss upright. Be sure the camshaft sprocket timing marks are aligned. If they are not, repeat the alignment steps.
  15. Turn the crankshaft 1 56 turns clockwise and align the crankshaft sprocket timing mark with the tension set mark for proper belt tension adjustment. Remove the lockbolt and pulley boss.
  16. Be sure the crankshaft sprocket timing mark is aligned with the tension set mark. Loosen the tensioner lockbolt, and allow the spring to apply tension to the belt. Tighten the tensioner lockbolt to 28-38 ft. lbs. (38-52 Nm).
  17. Install the pulley boss and lockbolt.
  18. Turn the crankshaft 2 16 turns clockwise and be sure the timing marks are correctly aligned.
  19. Apply approximately 22 lbs. (10kg) pressure to the timing belt at a point midway between the camshaft sprockets. The belt should deflect 0.35-0.45 in. (9.0-11.5mm). If the deflection is not correct, repeat the alignment and tensioning procedure.
  20. Hold the pulley boss with a suitable tool, and tighten the lockbolt to 123 ft. lbs. (167 Nm).
  21. Install the timing belt covers and tighten the bolts to 95 inch lbs. (11 Nm).
  22. Install the valve cover and spark plugs, along with all other applicable components.
2.5L (KL) Engines
  1. Remove the timing belt covers. Temporarily reinstall the crankshaft pulley bolt.
  2. On Millenia models, support the engine, and remove the nuts and through-bolt from the right side (No. 3) engine mount sub bracket. Remove the sub bracket.
  3. Turn the crankshaft until the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket aligns with the timing mark on the oil pump and the camshaft sprocket timing marks align with the marks on the cylinder head. The No. 1 piston should be at Top Dead Center (TDC) of the compression stroke.
  4. Remove the two bolts from the automatic tensioner, removing the lower one first. Keep the bolt holes aligned by holding the tensioner to reduce the chance of stripping the threads on the bolts.
  5. If the timing belt is to be reused, mark the direction of rotation on the timing belt.
  6. Remove the number one idler pulley. Remove the timing belt.

    Fig. 4: Timing belt sprocket positioning for proper timing belt installation-Mazda 626 2.5L (KL) engines

    Fig. 5: Position the crankshaft and camshaft sprockets as shown for belt installation-Mazda Millennia 2.5L (KL) engine

    To install:

  7. Install the crankshaft sprocket bolt. Install the flywheel locking tool. Tighten the bolt to 116-122 ft. lbs. (157-166 Nm). remove the flywheel locking tool.
  8. Position the automatic tensioner in a suitable press. Set a flat washer under the tensioner body to prevent damage to the body plug.
  9. Compress the tensioner until the hole in the piston is aligned with the 2nd hole in the tensioner case. Insert a 0.060 in. (1.6mm) diameter wire or pin through the 2nd hole to keep the piston compressed.
  10. Be sure the camshaft sprocket timing marks are still aligned. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise until the timing sprocket is aligned.
  11. With the No. 1 idler pulley removed, install the timing belt. If the original belt is being reused, be sure it is installed in the same direction of rotation. The order of installation is: timing belt (crankshaft) sprocket, No. 2 idler pulley, left-hand camshaft sprocket, tensioner pulley and right-hand camshaft sprocket.
  12. Install the No. 1 idler pulley while applying pressure on the timing belt. Tighten the bolt to 28-38 ft. lbs. (38-51 Nm).
  13. Install the automatic belt tensioner and tighten the bolts to 14-18 ft. lbs. (19-25 Nm). Remove the wire or pin from the tensioner.
  14. Turn the crankshaft clockwise, until the crankshaft sprocket timing mark is again at TDC. This should place all of the belt slack in the automatic tensioner portion of the belt.
  15. Rotate the crankshaft 2 turns in the normal direction of rotation and align the timing marks. Be sure all marks are still correctly aligned.
  16. Inspect timing belt deflection, 0.24-0.31 in. (6-8mm), between the crankshaft sprocket and the tensioner pulley. If it is out of specification, replace the auto-tensioner.
  17. On Millenia models, install the right side (No. 3) engine mount sub-bracket. Tighten the nuts to 55-77 ft. lbs. (75-104 Nm) and the through-bolt to 63-86 ft. lbs. (86-116 Nm). Remove the engine support.
  18. Remove the crankshaft damper bolt and install the timing belt covers.
2.3L (KJ) Engine
  1. Remove the timing belt covers. Temporarily reinstall the crankshaft pulley bolt.
  2. Remove the power steering auto-tensioner and pulley.
  3. Turn the crankshaft until the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket aligns with the timing mark on the oil pump and the camshaft sprocket timing marks align with the marks on the cylinder head. The No. 1 piston should be at Top Dead Center (TDC) of the compression stroke.
  4. Remove the two bolts from the automatic tensioner, removing the lower one first. Keep the bolt holes aligned by holding the tensioner to reduce the chance of stripping the threads on the bolts.
  5. If the timing belt is to be reused, mark the direction of rotation on the timing belt.
  6. Remove the timing belt.

    Fig. 6: Proper crankshaft and camshaft timing belt sprocket alignment mark positioning-Mazda 2.3L (KJ) engines

    To install:

  7. Install the crankshaft sprocket bolt. Install the flywheel locking tool. Tighten the bolt to 116-122 ft. lbs. (157-166 Nm). Remove the flywheel locking tool.
  8. Position the automatic tensioner in a press. Set a flat washer under the tensioner body to prevent damage to the body plug.
  9. Compress the tensioner until the hole in the piston is aligned with the 2nd hole in the tensioner case. Insert a 0.063 in. (1.6mm) diameter wire or pin through the 2nd hole to keep the piston compressed.
  10. Be sure the camshaft sprocket timing marks are still aligned. Turn the crankshaft clockwise until the timing sprocket is aligned.
  11. Install the timing belt. If the original belt is being reused, be sure it is installed in the same direction of rotation. The order of installation is: timing belt (crankshaft) sprocket, No. 2 idler pulley, left-hand camshaft sprocket, both No. 1 idler pulleys, right-hand camshaft sprocket and the tensioner pulley.
  12. Install the automatic belt tensioner and tighten the bolts to 14-18 ft. lbs. (19-25 Nm). Remove the wire or pin from the tensioner.
  13. Turn the crankshaft clockwise, until the crankshaft sprocket timing mark is again at TDC. This should place all of the belt slack in the automatic tensioner portion of the belt.
  14. Rotate the crankshaft two turns in the normal direction of rotation and align the timing marks. Be sure all marks are still correctly aligned.
  15. Inspect timing belt deflection, 0.24-0.31 in. (6-8mm), between the crankshaft sprocket and the tensioner pulley. If it is out of specification, replace the auto-tensioner.
  16. Install the power steering auto-tensioner and tighten the bolts to 14-18 ft. lbs. (19-25 Nm). Install the pulley, and tighten the bolt to 29-34 ft. lbs. (40-47 Nm).
  17. Remove the crankshaft damper bolt and install the timing belt covers.

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