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Benefits of Proper Maintenance

The automobile is a truly amazing machine. It is expected to function under a wide range of weather conditions and other adverse conditions, yet it often is subjected to careless hard driving and indifferent maintenance. Recommended service intervals are often ignored by the same vehicle owners that wouldn't let a week go by without vacuuming all the rugs in the house.

Today the automobile is an integral part of our life. We have come to rely on the proper functioning of the family vehicle and seldom, if ever, make a time allowance in case the vehicle should fail to start. We expect it to start and move every time, and fortunately, most of the time it does. However, the rare instance that it doesn't, causes the owner to forget the thousands of times it started without a problem. The irony is that, chances are, the vehicle failed to start because of neglect.

A periodic maintenance program such as the one in this book can keep the vehicle owner more aware of the condition of his or her vehicle and will save money in three important areas — fuel economy, emissions and performance.

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