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Windshield Washer Pump and Seal
  1. Remove the windshield washer reservoir from the vehicle.
  2. Disconnect the headlamp dash panel junction wire plug and windshield washer hose.
  3. Using a suitable small prying tool, remove the pump retaining ring.
  4. Using a pliers to grip one wall around the electrical terminals, pull out the windshield washer pump, seal and impeller assembly. To Install:
  5. Lubricate the outside diameter of the seal with a dry lubricant such as powered graphite, before installing the assembly to prevent the seal from sticking to the wall of the reservoir motor cavity and make assembly easier.
  6. Align the small projection on the end of the pump with the slot in the windshield washer reservoir and assemble so the seal seats against the bottom of the motor cavity.
  7. Using a 1 inch socket (preferable 12 point) hand press the retaining ring securely against the motor and plate.
  8. Connect the electrical plug and washer hose and replace the reservoir in the vehicle.
Windshield Washer Governor
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Remove the steering column shroud.
  3. Unplug the governor electrical connector from the turn signal and windshield wiper switch.
  4. Unplug the instrument panel wiring harness electrical connector from the windshield wiper governor.
  5. Remove the two mounting screws.
  6. Installation is the reverse of removal. Tighten the mounting screws to 13–17 inch lbs. (1.5–2.0 Nm)

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