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Coil Spring


1997 B-Series Models
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions in the beginning of this section.
  2. Raise the front of the vehicle and place jackstands under the frame and a jack under the axle.

    The axle must not be permitted to hang by the brake hose. If the length of the brake hoses is not sufficient to provide adequate clearance for removal and installation of the spring, the disc brake caliper must be removed from the spindle. A Strut Spring Compressor T81P-5310-A, may be used to compress the spring sufficiently, so that the caliper does not have to be removed. After removal, the caliper must be placed on the frame or otherwise supported to prevent suspending the caliper from the brake hose. These precautions are absolutely necessary to prevent serious damage to the tube portion of the brake hose!

  3. Remove or disconnect the following:
  4. Lower the axle as far as it will go without stretching the brake hose and tube assembly. The axle should now be unsupported without hanging by the brake hose. If not, then either remove the caliper or use Strut Spring Compressor tool, T81P-5310-A. Remove the spring.
  5. If there is a lot of slack in the brake hose assembly, a pry bar can be used to lift the spring over the bolt that passes through the lower spring seat.
  6. Rotate the spring so the built-in retainer on the upper spring seat is cleared.
  7. Remove the coil spring.

    To install:

  8. Install or connect the following:
  9. With the axle in the lowest position, install the top of the spring in the upper seat. Rotate the spring into position.
  10. Lift the lower end of the spring over the bolt.
  11. Raise the axle slowly until the spring is seated in the lower spring seat and install the lower retainer and nut. Install or connect the following:
  1. Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions in the beginning of this section.
  2. Raise the vehicle and install jackstands under the frame. Position a jack beneath the spring under the axle. Raise the jack and compress the spring.
  3. Remove or disconnect the following:
  4. Slowly lower the axle until all spring tension is released and adequate clearance exists to remove the spring from its mounting.

    The axle must be supported on the jack throughout spring removal and installation, and must not be permitted to hang by the brake hose. If the length of the brake hose is not sufficient to provide adequate clearance for removal and installation of the spring, the disc brake caliper must be removed from the spindle. After removal, the caliper must be placed on the frame or otherwise supported to prevent suspending the caliper from the brake line hose. These precautions are absolutely necessary to prevent serious damage to the tube portion of the caliper hose assembly!

  5. Stud from the axle assembly, if necessary

    To install:

  6. Install or connect the following:
  7. Place the spring in position and slowly raise the front axle. Ensure springs are positioned correctly in the upper spring seats.

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