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Orifice Tube

Removal & Installation

To Remove:

  1. Recover the refrigerant.
  2. Access and disconnect the condenser-to-evaporator line spring lock coupling from the evaporator core inlet. Throw away the O-ring seals.
  3. Examine the evaporator core orifice to see if there is any damage.
  4. On vehicles with a serviceable evaporator core orifice ONLY: Put the fixed orifice remover/installer tool (412-034) onto the evaporator core orifice and holding the tool’s T-handle still, rotate the tool’s body to remove the evaporator core orifice.
  5. On vehicles with a damaged evaporator core orifice ONLY: Screw the end of the broken orifice remover tool (412-035) into the broken evaporator core orifice and hold the tool’s T-handle still while rotating the tool’s body to remove the evaporator core orifice.

To Install:

Only refrigerant compressor oil (mineral oil) (F73Z-19577-AA/Motorcraft YN-9-A) should be used to lubricate R-134a refrigerant system O-ring seals and it should not be added to the R-134a refrigerant system as an A/C compressor lubricant. Only PAG refrigerant compressor oil F7AZ-19589-DA/Motorcraft YN-12-C) or an equivalent meeting the manufacturer’s specifications should be used as an A/C compressor lubricant.

  1. Install new O-ring seals on the evaporator core orifice after they have been lubricated with clean PAG oil.
  2. Correctly position the evaporator core orifice into the fixed orifice remover/installer tool (412-034).
  3. Use the fixed orifice remover/installer tool (412-034) to install the evaporator core orifice.
  4. Connect the condenser-to-evaporator line spring lock coupling to the evaporator inlet and install new O-rings seal lubricated with clean mineral oil.
  5. Lubricate the refrigerant system with clean PAG oil.
  6. Make sure to evacuate, leak test, and charge the refrigerant system.

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