To Remove:
The permanent internal magnets used in the windshield wiper motor are constructed of a material like glass. To avoid causing damage to the magnets, do not hit the motor with a hammer or any other object.
NOTE: The windshield wiper motor cannot be repaired so if it is worn or damaged, it must be replaced.
- Turn on the windshield wipers and stop them when the blades are pointing straight up.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Disconnect the electrical connector for the windshield wiper motor.
- Remove the right-hand access cover screws and the access cover.
- Unsnap the wiper motor clip from the right mounting arm and pivot shaft by reaching through the right-hand access cover opening.
- Disconnect the windshield wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft on each side and move both of them away from the windshield wiper motor.
- Remove the windshield wiper motor by first removing the stud bolt and bolts then removing the motor.
To Install:
To try and prevent damage to the mounting arm and pivot shaft retainer clip, make sure that the retainer clip is completely seated before installing it onto the motor crank pin.
NOTE: Install the mounting arm and pivot shaft to the motor on the left side before installing on the right side.
- Install the windshield wiper motor, bolts, and stud bolt.
- Torque to 62-80 ft-lb (7-9 Nm).
- Connect the windshield wiper mounting arm and pivot shaft on each side.
- Snap the wiper motor clip to the right mounting arm and pivot shaft.
- Install the right-hand access cover screws.
- Connect the electrical connector for the windshield wiper motor.
- Connect the negative battery cable.