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High Pressure Safety Valve (A/C Pressure Relief Valve)

Removal & Installation

To Remove:

Only refrigerant compressor oil (mineral oil) (F73Z-19577-AA/Motorcraft YN-9-A) should be used to lubricate R-134a refrigerant system O-ring seals and it should not be added to the R-134a refrigerant system as an A/C compressor lubricant. Only PAG refrigerant compressor oil F7AZ-19589-DA/Motorcraft YN-12-C) or an equivalent meeting the manufacturer’s specifications should be used as an A/C compressor lubricant.

  1. Recover the refrigerant.
  2. Loosen the clamp on the air cleaner outlet tube, disconnect the crankcase ventilation tube, then move the air cleaner outlet tube to the side.
  3. Remove the A/C pressure relief valve.

To Install:

NOTE: Install a new O-ring seal that has been lubricated in clean mineral oil.

NOTE: Make sure to lubricate the refrigerant system with clean PAG oil.

  1. Install the A/C pressure relief valve.
  2. Correctly position the air cleaner outlet tube, connect the crankcase ventilation tube, and tighten the clamp on the air cleaner outlet tube.
  3. Refill the system with refrigerant.
  4. Evacuate, leak test, and charge the refrigerant system.

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