When you plan your shop supplies, you should follow the same format as you used for your tools--if you intend to perform only basic level work, you need only acquire a minimum number of supplies, and so forth.
At the basic level, you're going to need mostly replacement fluids. Things such as motor oil, antifreeze, automatic transmission fluid and brake fluid should be kept on hand. You'll also need some clean rags or wiping towels and some hand cleaner.
At the average level, things get a little more complex. You'll probably need chassis and wheel bearing grease, spare hoses and belts, plugs, penetrating oil, parts cleaner and a variety of other supplies.
The list of supplies needed for the advanced level could be endless, but if you're operating at the advanced level, you probably already have most supplies. Look at the list prepared here, keeping in mind that it's only a partial list, and these are all just suggestions. Remember the advanced level includes all the other levels as well.
Fig. 10: Hand cleaners have gone high-tech! Lotion,
cream, and even citrus. Make sure you have some on hand.
Fig. 11: Shop sealants and adhesives come in a variety
of applications. Always read the package before use.