- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions in the beginning of this section.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Remove the valve covers.
- Remove the intake manifold.
- Remove the fuel supply manifold.
- Remove the serpentine drive belt.
- Remove the thermostat housing.
- Remove the roller followers.
NOTE: You must retime the left and right camshafts when either one is disturbed.
- Turn the crankshaft clockwise to position number one cylinder at top dead center (TDC).
- Install the crankshaft TDC timing tool (303-573) to hold the crankshaft in position. The special tool must be installed so that it contacts the engine block.
Use the special tool to position the engine at TDC
The right-hand camshaft sprocket retaining bolt uses a left-hand thread.
- Loosen, but do not remove the right-hand camshaft sprocket bolt with the torque wrench extension (303-575).
Using the special tool and the camshaft sprocket nut socket, loosen the sprocket bolt
NOTE: The camshaft timing slots are off-center.
- Position the camshaft timing slots below the centerline of the camshaft.
- Install camshaft holding tool (303-577) and the adapter (303-576) on the front of the right-hand cylinder head.
Install the camshaft holding tool on the front of the right-hand cylinder head
- Raise and support the vehicle.
- Remove the right, front wheel and tire.
- Remove the lower splash shield.
- Remove the right-hand camshaft tensioner.
Remove the right-hand camshaft tensioner
NOTE: Do not tighten the two clamp bolts. Leave the top two special tool clamp bolts loose.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Install the camshaft sprocket holding tool (303-564) and the adapter (303-578) on the rear of the right-hand cylinder head.
Install the camshaft sprocket holding tool on the rear of the right-hand cylinder head
- Install the timing chain tensioner tool (303-571) from where the camshaft tensioner was removed.
Install the timing chain tensioner tool from where the camshaft tensioner was removed
The right-hand camshaft sprocket bolt is a left-hand threaded bolt.
- With the right-hand camshaft positioned torque the camshaft gear removal tool (303-575) top two clamp bolts to 89 in-lb (10 Nm). Tighten the camshaft bolt using the torque wrench adapter and torque the camshaft bolt to 45 ft-lb (61 Nm).
Use the camshaft gear removal tool (303-575)
- Remove the timing chain tensioner tool.
- Install the right-hand camshaft tensioner.
- Torque to 32 ft. lbs (44 Nm).
- Raise the vehicle.
- Install the right-hand lower splash shield.
- Install the right, front wheel and tire.
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove all installed special tools from the right-hand cylinder head.
- Remove the left-hand camshaft tensioner.
- Install the camshaft sprocket holding tool (303-564) and adapter for tool 303-564 (303-578) on the front of the left-hand cylinder head.
- Torque the top two clamp bolts to 89 in-lb (10 Nm).
Install the camshaft sprocket holding tool and adapter on the front of the left cylinder head
- Loosen the left-hand camshaft sprocket bolt.
- Loosen the two clamping bolts on the camshaft sprocket holding tool so that the camshaft sprocket rotates freely.
NOTE: The camshaft timing slots are off-center.
- Position the camshaft timing slots below the centerline of the camshaft.
- Install the camshaft holding tool (303-577) and adapter for tool 303-577 (303-576) on the rear of the left-hand cylinder head.
Install the camshaft holding tool and adapter
- Install the timing chain tensioner (303-571) from where the camshaft tensioner was removed.
- Torque the top two clamp bolts to 89 in-lb (10 Nm).
- Torque the camshaft bolt to 63 ft-lb (85 Nm).
- Remove the timing chain tensioner.
- Install the LH camshaft tensioner.
- Torque to 32 ft-lb (44 Nm).
- Remove all of the special tools from the left-hand cylinder head and camshaft.
- Install the roller followers.
- Install the thermostat housing.
- Install the serpentine drive belt.
- Install the fuel supply manifold.
- Install the lower intake manifold.
- Install the valve covers.
- Refill the cooling system.
- Start the engine and check for leaks. Repair as necessary.