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Except RX-7 Turbo and 929

Check the transmission oil every 7,500 miles (12,077 km).

  1. Park the car on a level surface and block the wheels.
  2. Working from underneath the car, unfasten the filler (upper) plug.

    Fig. 1: Manual transmission drain plug "A'' and filler plug "B''

    Fig. 2: To check manual transmission fluid level on a non-turbo RX-7, remove plug indicated by the arrow

    Be careful if you are working under the car when it is warm; the exhaust system (which is protected by wire mesh) gets extremely hot.

  3. Use your finger to check the oil level; it should be up to the bottom of the oil fill hole. Add oil as necessary through the fill hole and install the plug. If possible, use the proper size open end wrench to tighten the plug; avoid the use of a crescent wrench.
  4. Unblock the wheels.
RX-7 Turbo and 929

Check the transmission oil every 7,500 miles (12,077 km).

  1. Park the car on a level surface and block the wheels.
  2. Working from underneath the car, remove check plug "D'' in the illustration.

    Be careful if you are working under the car when it is warm; the exhaust system (which is protected by wire mesh) gets extremely hot.

    Fig. 3: To check manual transmission fluid level on an RX-7 Turbo or 929, remove plug "D'' from the check plug port

  3. Use your finger to check the oil level; it should be up to the bottom of the check plug port. If the oil level is low, remove plug "C'' and add oil through fill hole "C'' until it reaches the bottom of check port "D''.
  4. Coat the threads of the check and fill plugs with sealant and install them. If possible, use the proper size open end wrench to tighten the plugs; avoid the use of a crescent wrench.
  5. Unblock the wheels.

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