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1978–82 GLC and 1979–82 626
  1. With the engine idling and fully warmed up, unclamp and remove the hose leading to the PCV valve at the valve.
  2. Place your finger over the open end of the hose to stop airflow. If the idle speed drops, the valve is working properly and should be reinstalled. If the idle speed does not change, replace the valve.
Except 1978–82 Models and RX-7
  1. Warm up the engine and allow it to run at idle speed.
  2. Disconnect the PCV valve with the ventilator hose from the valve cover.

    Fig. 1: Checking the PCV valve — except RX-7 and all 1978–82 models

  3. Cover the valve opening with your finger and listen for a change in the idle speed.
  4. If the idle speed drops, the valve is working properly and should be reinstalled. If the idle speed does not change, replace the valve.

Since rotary engines are not equipped with a PCV system, there is no inspection or replacement procedure for a PCV valve. Instead, blow-by gases in the crankcase are kept from being released into the atmosphere by a ventilation and check valve on 1979–80 models, or by a check and cut valve on later models. (Testing and replacement information on these valves appears in Section 4.)

Fig. 2: Location of the ventilation and check valve on 1979–80 RX-7 models. Arrows indicate the flow of blow-by gases while the engine is running

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