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  1. Remove the engine from the vehicle and mount on a suitable stand or holding fixture.

    NOTE: To simplify reassembly, mark or label all components before disassembly.

  2. Remove the oil hose support bracket from the front housing.
  3. Disconnect the vacuum hoses and air hoses, then remove the decel valve.
  4. Remove the air pump and drive belt. Remove the air pump adjusting bar.
  5. Remove the alternator and drive belt.
  6. Disconnect the metering oil pump connecting rod, oil tubes and vacuum sensing tube from the carburetor.
  7. Remove the exhaust manifold cover, if equipped. Remove the carburetor and intake manifold as an assembly.
  8. Remove the gasket and two rubber O-rings.
  9. Remove the thermal reactor/exhaust manifold and gaskets. Remove the engine mount.
  10. Remove the distributor.
  11. On 1984–85 models, disconnect and remove the oil cooler assembly, as described earlier in this section. Do not remove the oil filter from the cooler housing unless replacement is desired.
  12. Unbolt the A/C compressor pulley and remove the water pump.

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