Fill the oil pump with oil, to prevent cavitating (sucking air) on initial engine start up. Install the oil pump and the pickup tube on the engine. Seal the oil pan gasket as appropriate, then install the gasket and pan. Mount the flywheel and the crankshaft vibration damper or pulley on the crankshaft.
NOTE: Always use new bolts when installing the flywheel. Inspect the clutch shaft pilot bushing in the crankshaft. If the bushing is excessively worn, remove it with an expanding puller and a slide hammer, then tap a new bushing into place.
Position the engine, cylinder head side up. Lubricate the valve lifters, and install them into their bores. Install the cylinder head assembly (or assemblies), and torque as specified. Install the rocker assembly (or assemblies) and cylinder head cover(s).
Install the intake and exhaust manifolds, the carburetor or fuel injection components, the distributor and spark plugs. Mount all accessories and install the engine in the car. Fill the radiator with coolant, and the crankcase with high quality engine oil.