Replace the camshaft if it is obviously worn/damaged, or if the cam height is worn beyond limits as listed in the "Camshaft Specifications Chart'' in this section.
Fig. 1: Use a micrometer to measure camshaft journal
diameter at the outer edge of each cam (as indicated by the numbers
1 and 2). Also take measurements 90 degrees apart to determine elliptical
wear (as indicated by letters A and B)
Fig. 2: Checking camshaft run-out with a dial indicator
Fig. 3: Checking camshaft journal bearing oil clearances
using Plastigage® inserts
Fig. 4: Measuring camshaft bore diameter to determine
the camshaft journal oil clearance — 1.6L non-turbo
and 3.0L engines
Fig. 5: Checking camshaft end-play with a dial indicator
NOTE: On 1.3L, 1.5L, 1.6L and 2.0L (Code FE) engines, the camshaft must be replaced if worn beyond limits. On 2.0L (Code MA) engines, the journals may be ground and undersize bearings may be installed.