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  1. Inspect the camshaft cam faces and bearing journals for roughness or obvious excessive wear. Measure the cam height with a micrometer, taking measurements at the outer edge of the cam on both sides. The surface of the cam must be clean to ensure accurate readings.

    Replace the camshaft if it is obviously worn/damaged, or if the cam height is worn beyond limits as listed in the "Camshaft Specifications Chart'' in this section.

    Fig. 1: Use a micrometer to measure camshaft journal diameter at the outer edge of each cam (as indicated by the numbers 1 and 2). Also take measurements 90 degrees apart to determine elliptical wear (as indicated by letters A and B)

    Fig. 2: Checking camshaft run-out with a dial indicator

    Fig. 3: Checking camshaft journal bearing oil clearances using Plastigage® inserts

    Fig. 4: Measuring camshaft bore diameter to determine the camshaft journal oil clearance — 1.6L non-turbo and 3.0L engines

    Fig. 5: Checking camshaft end-play with a dial indicator

  2. Measure the camshaft bearing journals with a micrometer. The cam journals should also be measured at 90 degree angles to determine elliptical wear. Subtract the smaller reading from the larger. The limit is 0.002 in. (0.05mm) for all engines except the 3.0L. On the 3.0L engine, maximum out-of-round is 0.0012 in. (0.03mm).

    NOTE: On 1.3L, 1.5L, 1.6L and 2.0L (Code FE) engines, the camshaft must be replaced if worn beyond limits. On 2.0L (Code MA) engines, the journals may be ground and undersize bearings may be installed.

  3. Mount the camshaft on metal V-blocks and check camshaft runout with a dial indicator, taking the measurement at the center bearing. The limit is 0.0012 in. (0.03mm).
  4. Check the camshaft bearing clearances. This is done by installing Plastigage® or equivalent inserts, which will flatten out according to the bearing clearance when the camshaft bearing caps are torqued to specification. You can determine the clearance after removing the rocker assembly and inserts, then measuring the insert's dimensions. Be sure to follow the package directions.
  5. With the camshaft installed in the cylinder head, measure camshaft end-play by inserting a feeler gauge between the camshaft pulley surface and the surface of the thrust plate, or by mounting a dial indicator against the cylinder head, and pushing the camshaft along its axis. Although their standard ranges may vary slightly, the camshaft end-play wear limit is 0.008 in. (0.20mm) for all piston engines covered by this manual. If clearance is excessive, replace the thrust plate.

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