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Oil Pan


Except 323, 1988–89 626/MX-6 and 929
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Raise the front of the car and safely support it on jackstands.
  3. Remove the under cover, if applicable, and drain the engine oil. Remove the engine splash shield or skid plate.
  4. Remove the clutch slave cylinder, if so equipped. Do not disconnect the hydraulic line; let the cylinder hang or support it with rope or wire.
  5. Remove the engine rear brace attaching bolts and loosen the bolts on the left side, if present.
  6. Disconnect the emission line from the oil pan, if so equipped.
  7. Loosen the front motor mounts, raise the front of the engine and support with a wooden block to gain clearance, if necessary (except on front wheel drive GLCs and 626s).
  8. On front wheel drive cars, loosen the bolts attaching the exhaust pipe to the manifold and lower the pipe; also, disconnect the engine torque brace. On the 626, disconnect the No. 3 engine mount, located near the driver's side of the pan.

    Fig. 1: Lower the oil pan after removing the retaining bolts and any obstructions

    Fig. 2: Carefully examine the flange of the oil pan and clean off all traces of old gasket or sealer. Clean the engine block's mating surface, too

    Fig. 3: Apply a continuous bead of sealant to the flange of a gasketless oil pan

    Fig. 4: When installing with a gasket, apply sealant to the joints where the front cover and rear main seal mate with the block

  9. Unfasten the oil pan retaining bolts, then remove the oil pan and allow it to rest on the crossmember. Remove the oil pump pickup tube, if necessary, to remove the oil pan.

    To install:

  10. Thoroughly clean all the gasket mating surfaces. Check the oil pan for cracks or other damage in the area of the bolt holes. Remove the oil pan drain plug and check the pan threads for wear and damage. Clean up the threads with a tap, as required.
  11. Install the oil pump pickup tube, if previously removed.
  12. On 1983–87 2.0L engines, there is no gasket. Apply a gasket forming sealant as shown in the illustration before installing the pan. Be sure to install the pan and torque the retaining bolts within 30 minutes.
  13. On engines using a pan gasket, apply sealer to the joints between the front cover and block, as well as the rear main seal housing and block, before installing the gasket. Install the oil pan and torque the retaining bolts.
  14. On front wheel drive cars, fasten the engine torque brace and the No. 3 engine mount, if applicable. Connect the exhaust pipe to the manifold.
  15. On rear wheel drive cars, remove the wooden support block, if applicable, then lower the front of the engine and fasten the motor mounts.
  16. If so equipped, connect the emission line to the oil pan.
  17. Tighten the bolts on the left side of the engine, then install the rear brace attaching bolts, if applicable.
  18. Install the clutch slave cylinder, if applicable.
  19. Install the engine splash shield or skid plate.
  20. Lower the vehicle and fill the crankcase to the proper level.
  21. Connect the negative battery cable. Start the engine and inspect for leaks.
1986–89 323 Non-Turbo
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Raise and safely support the front of the vehicle. Drain the engine oil.

    Fig. 5: Apply sealant to the shaded area of the oil pan flange before attaching the gasket

  2. Remove the engine splash shields. Disconnect and lower the exhaust pipe. Reposition the components, as required, in order to gain access to the oil pan retaining bolts.
  3. Remove the oil pan retaining bolts and the stiffening strips that go under the bolts, then lower the oil pan.

    To install:

  4. Thoroughly clean all the gasket mating surfaces. Check the oil pan for cracks or other damage in the area of the bolt holes. Remove the oil pan drain plug and check the pan threads for wear and damage. Clean up the threads with a tap, as required.
  5. Apply sealer to the joints between the front cover and block, as well as the rear main seal housing and block. Also apply sealer to the concave portion of the flange at each end of the oil pan, as illustrated. Place a new gasket on the pan, then install the pan and stiffener onto the block. Torque the pan retaining bolts to 52–78 inch lbs. (6–9 Nm).
  6. Connect the exhaust pipe and install the splash shields. Lower the vehicle and fill the crankcase to the proper level.
  7. Connect the negative battery cable. Start the engine and inspect for leaks.
1988–89 323 Turbo
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Mount engine support tool 49 B017 5A0, or equivalent, and suspend the engine. Raise and safely support the front of the vehicle.
  2. Drain the engine oil. Remove the engine under cover assembly.
  3. Remove the exhaust pipe bracket and disconnect the exhaust pipe. Remove the turbocharger bracket.
  4. Unfasten the oil pan retaining bolts. Remove the oil pan from the engine by prying gently on the area where the pan mates with the transaxle and nowhere else. Loosen the mounting member bolts until the pan can be removed.

    To install:

  5. Clean all the gasket contact surfaces thoroughly. Check the oil pan for cracks or other damage in the area of the bolt holes. Remove the oil pan drain plug and check the pan threads for wear and damage. Clean up the threads with a tap, as required.
  6. Apply sealer to the joints between the front cover and the block, as well as the rear main seal housing and the block. Install the gaskets onto the oil pump body and the rear cover making sure that the projections are properly positioned in the notches.
  7. Apply a continuous bead of silicone sealant to the oil pan inside the bolt holes. Position the oil pan onto the transaxle and install the transaxle mounting bolts. Torque the upper bolt to 27–38 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm) and the lower bolt to 14–19 ft. lbs. (19–26 Nm). Install the oil pump retaining bolts and torque to 69–95 inch lbs. (8–11 Nm) in several steps.
  8. Attach the turbocharger bracket to the block. Connect the exhaust pipe and install the exhaust pipe bracket. Install the engine undercovers, then lower the vehicle.
  9. Remove the engine support tool and fill the crankcase to the proper level.
  10. Connect the negative battery cable. Start the engine and inspect for leaks.
1988–89 626/MX-6

NOTE: These vehicles use a gasketless oil pan.

To install:

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Raise and safely support the front of the vehicle. Drain the engine oil.
  3. Unbolt and remove the exhaust pipe and gusset plate. Remove the clutch housing under cover.
  4. Remove the right-hand subframe.
  5. Remove the oil pan retaining bolts and lower the oil pan. Wedge a scraper or small prying tool between the pan and the stiffener to achieve separation. Remove the oil strainer and stiffener. Discard the strainer gasket and purchase a new one.

    NOTE: Be careful not to bend the oil pan when separating it from the block.

    To install:

  6. Check the oil pan for cracks or other damage in the area of the bolt holes. Remove the oil pan drain plug and check the pan threads for wear and damage. Clean up the threads with a tap, as required.
  7. Thoroughly clean all contact surfaces and apply a continuous bead of silicone sealant to the stiffener around the inside of the bolt holes. Raise the stiffener up onto the bottom of the block and install the retaining bolts. Torque the retaining bolts to 61–104 inch lbs. (7–12 Nm). Install a new strainer and gasket, then torque the bolts to 69–104 inch lbs. (8–12 Nm).
  8. Apply silicone sealant to the oil pan contact surface in the same manner as the stiffener. Raise the oil pan up and against the stiffener, then install its retaining bolts. Torque the retaining bolts to 61–104 inch lbs. (7–12 Nm).
  9. Lower the vehicle and fill the crankcase to the proper level.
  10. Connect the negative battery cable. Start the engine and check for oil leaks.
1988–89 929

NOTE: Some of these vehicles use a gasketless oil pan.

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Raise and safely support the front of the vehicle.
  3. Drain the engine oil. Remove the engine under cover.
  4. Remove the oil pan retaining bolts. With a scraper or suitable prying tool, separate the oil pan from the block and remove it.

    NOTE: Be careful not to bend the oil pan when separating it from the block.

    To install:

  5. Thoroughly clean all the gasket mating or contact surfaces. Check the oil pan for cracks or other damage in the area of the bolt holes. Remove the oil pan drain plug and check the pan threads for wear and damage. Clean up the threads with a tap, as required.
  6. On oil pans with a gasket, apply sealer to the joints between the front cover and block, as well as the rear main seal housing and block. On gasketless oil pans, apply a continuous bead of sealant to the oil pan flange around the inside of the bolt holes and overlap the ends.
  7. Raise the oil pan onto the block and install the retaining bolts. Torque the bolts to 69–95 inch lbs. (8–11 Nm).
  8. Install the engine undercover and lower the vehicle. Fill the crankcase to the proper level.
  9. Connect the negative battery cable. Start the engine and check for leaks.

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