- Disconnect the hose from the air pump outlet.
- Connect a pressure gauge to the outlet.
- Check the drive belt for proper tension, then start and run the engine at
1,500 rpm. The gauge reading should be at least 1 psi (2.04 in. Hg/52mm Hg).
If not, replace the pump.
- Run the engine until it reaches normal operating temperature. Disconnect
the air hose at the reed valve.
- Run the engine at idle speed, and place a finger over the inlet of the reed
valve. Air should be sucked into the valve.
- Increase speed to 1,500 rpm and make sure no exhaust gas is discharged from
the reed valve inlet.
- Run the engine at idle.
- At idle, no air should be felt at the relief valve. If air flow is felt,
replace the valve.
- Increase the idle to 2,000 rpm on the 1.6L engine, or 4,000 rpm on other
engines. If air flow is felt, the valve is working properly.
- Run the engine until it reaches normal operating temperature. Disconnect
the air hose at the check valve on the exhaust manifold.
- Gradually increase the engine speed to 1,500 rpm, while carefully checking
for exhaust (hot) gas leakage from the check valve. Replace the valve if exhaust
gases are present.
- Start the engine and run it at idle.
- Hold a finger over the relief valve port of the air control valve. Discharge
air should be felt.
- Disconnect the vacuum sensing tube from the air control valve and plug the
tube. No air should be felt at the relief port.
- Disconnect the vacuum sensing tube from the air control valve solenoid.
- Blow through the vacuum tube; air should pass through the valve. Suck on
the tube; no air should pass through the valve.