Connect a tachometer to the engine. Run the engine until hot, then shut
it OFF and remove the air cleaner assembly.
Fig. 1: Adjusting the vacuum throttle opener system — 1978
Fig. 2: Disconnect/plug the anti-afterburn valve
vacuum line, then tee a gauge between the intake manifold and vacuum
control valve — 1978 GLC
Disconnect the vacuum sensing tube F from the servo diaphragm,
then connect a vacuum hose between the vacuum tap on the intake manifold and
the diaphragm.
Disconnect the vacuum line that runs from the carburetor to the distributor
at the distributor, and plug the open end.
Start the engine and read the tachometer. Engine speed should be 1,300–1,500
rpm. If the speed is not to specification, turn the throttle opener adjusting
screw to bring engine speed within the range.
Reconnect the distributor and servo diaphragm vacuum lines, then disconnect
and plug the vacuum line going to the anti-afterburn valve. Disconnect the
vacuum line going from the intake manifold to the vacuum control valve, and
tee in a vacuum gauge as shown.
Start the engine and accelerate to 3,000 rpm. Watch the vacuum gauge and
release the throttle. After a rapid rise in vacuum, the gauge reading should
stabilize at 22.0–22.8 in. Hg (559–579mm Hg) for a few seconds
while the system gradually closes the throttle, then drop off.
If vacuum does not stabilize in the right range, loosen the locknut and
turn the adjusting screw in the end of the vacuum control valve until vacuum
is in the specified range. Turn the screw clockwise to increase the vacuum
reading, and counterclockwise to decrease it.
Tighten the locknut, then restore all vacuum connections. Install the air
cleaner assembly and remove the tachometer.