Make sure the engine is cold. Otherwise, escaping fuel could start a fire!
Cover the connection with a rag because the fuel is under pressure, then
disconnect the fuel line at the discharge side of the pump. Connect a gauge
directly to the discharge port.
Reconnect the battery.
On the 626, detach the fuel pump check connector, which is located on the
firewall, and jumper the terminals. On 1988–89 626s and MX-6s, the connector
is yellow and is located on the firewall near the washer/wiper motor.
On the 323, turn the ignition ON, then jumper the GW and B terminals
of the fuel pump check connector. On 323s, the fuel pump check connector is
located between the battery and the washer wiper pump.
Observe the reading on the pressure gauge. It should be 64–85 psi
(441–586 kPa). If the wiring to the pump and its relay are good, replace
the fuel pump.