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1979–85 RX-7
  1. Raise the headlights and open the hood.
  2. Disconnect the link from the headlight hinge assembly. The link should pull off fairly easily. DO NOT bend it. Lower the headlights.
  3. Loosen the locknut on the adjusting screw and turn the adjusting screw in or out until the headlights are positioned properly. Tighten the locknut.
  4. Turn the manual control knob until the motor link reaches its lowest position.
  5. Loosen the retractor motor mounting bolts and nuts.
  6. Connect the link to the hinge assembly.

    NOTE: Connect the link to its ball socket using your finger. Do not use pliers. You should hear a click when the link is attached.

  7. Move the motor back and forth until the headlight lid is in the desired position, then tighten the motor mounting bolts and nuts.

    Fig. 1: Adjusting the headlight lid — 1979–85 RX-7

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