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Except RX-7

NOTE: On some 323, 626, MX-6 and 929 models, you must remove the radiator grille to gain access to the headlights.

  1. If the grille blocks removal of the headlamp assembly or adjacent bezel, remove the attaching screws or disconnect the clips (usually 5 or 6 of them), then remove the grille.
  2. Unfasten the attaching screws, then remove the bezel (or half bezel) that runs around the outside of the headlight.
  3. Identify the two adjusting screws for the headlight. There are either (A) two at the top or (B) one on the side and one at the top or bottom. These long screws are tensioned by a spring. The spring either works in opposition to the screw at the opposite side of the headlight, or it surrounds the screw.

    Do not tamper with the headlight beam adjusting screws, or you may need to have the headlights readjusted by a professional shop, since aiming requires the use of special equipment.

  4. Remove the 2, 3 or 4 short screws which fasten the headlight in place. On many models with round or rectangular headlights, these screws retain a thin metal ring which actually holds the light in place. If a round ring has elongated slots, instead of round holes, loosen (but do not remove) the screws, then rotate the ring until the rounded parts of the slots line up with the screw heads.
  5. If so equipped, remove the ring, then pull the headlight out until you can unplug it. Remove the headlight.

    NOTE: Be careful not to mix up the inner and outer lights if both must be replaced at the same time. The inner lights have only one filament, while the outer lights have two.

    To install:

  6. Securely fasten the wiring connector to the new headlight.
  7. Position a rectangular light so the glass lugs seat securely against the mounting plate; turn a round light until the glass lug on the light locks into the notch in the mounting plate. Then, install the retaining screws or the ring and its retaining screws.
  8. Install the bezel (or half bezel) and, if necessary, the grille.

    NOTE: Headlight aiming is normally not required if the adjusting screws have not been turned. When necessary, however, have the headlights checked and/or adjusted by a professional using special aiming equipment.

    Fig. 1: Unfasten and remove the headlamp bezel

    Fig. 2: Do not turn the adjusting screws (indicated by arrows)

    Fig. 3: Unfasten the screws which secure the retaining ring

    Fig. 4: Remove the headlight retaining ring

    Fig. 5: Unplug the electrical connector and remove the headlight

RX-7 Models

The RX-7 is equipped with retractable headlights. In the event that the headlights do not open when activated, they can be opened using the manual control knobs located at the top of the retractor motors. The knobs are underneath plastic covers and are accessible through the engine compartment. To perform the manual adjustment, disconnect the negative battery cable and turn the manual control knob on the retractor motor shaft until the headlight is raised to the fully open position.

Removal and installation of the headlights is performed as follows:

  1. Turn on the headlight retractor switch to raise the headlights.

    NOTE: If the headlights will not open when the retractor switch is operated, manually open them as described above.

  2. If not already done, disconnect the negative battery cable.

    NOTE: 1986–89 RX-7 headlights have a two-piece bezel.

  3. Unfasten and remove the headlight bezel(s).

    Do not tamper with the headlight beam adjusting screws, or you may need to have the headlights readjusted by a professional shop, since aiming requires the use of special equipment.

  4. On models with round headlights, loosen (but do not remove) the retaining ring attaching screws. Rotate the headlight ring counterclockwise and remove it while holding the headlight.
  5. On models with rectangular headlights, unfasten and remove the screws and retaining ring.
  6. Remove the headlight and detach the electrical connector.

    To install:

  7. Attach the electrical connector to the new headlight.
  8. Hold the headlight stationary, then position and install the retaining ring. If equipped with round headlights, turn the ring clockwise, then tighten the retaining screws.
  9. Install the bezel(s).
  10. Connect the negative battery cable. Raise and lower the headlights several times to make sure they operate properly.

    NOTE: Headlight aiming is normally not required if the adjusting screws have not been turned. When necessary, however, have the headlights checked and/or adjusted by a professional using special aiming equipment.

    Fig. 6: RX-7 headlights can be opened by turning the manual control knob

    Fig. 7: Headlight components on the 1979–85 RX-7

    Fig. 8: Headlight components on the 1986–89 RX-7

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