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  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Raise and support the vehicle safely. Drain the transaxle fluid. Properly support the rear end of the engine.
  2. Disconnect the speedometer cable and EGR pipe.
  3. Disengage all electrical wiring connections and control linkages from the transaxle.
  4. Remove the front tires. Disconnect the lower ball joints and pull the lower arm downward. Separate the lower arms from the knuckles.
  5. Remove the axle shafts from the transaxle by prying with a suitable pry bar inserted between the shaft and the case. Be sure not to damage the oil seals.

    NOTE: A circlip is positioned on the driveshaft ends and engages in a groove, machined in the differential side gears. The driveshafts may have to be forced from the differential housing to release the clip from the groove. Do not apply a sharp impact. Do not allow the driveshaft's free end to drop; otherwise damage may occur to the ball and socket joints as well as to the rubber boots. Wire the shafts to the vehicle body when released from the differential.

  6. Remove the undercover. Install the engine support tool 49-E301-025 or equivalent on the engine hanger and hoist the engine up slightly. Remove the crossmember. Disconnect and plug the cooler lines.
  7. Remove the starter motor. Remove the end cover and remove the bolts holding the torque converter to the drive plate.
  8. Using a suitable jack, support the transaxle. Remove the transaxle-to-engine mounting bolts. Remove the transaxle from the vehicle.

    To install:

  9. Install the transaxle to the engine assembly in the correct position and torque the retaining bolts to 70 ft. lbs. (95 Nm).
  10. Install the torque converter to the drive plate, then torque the retaining bolts to 25–36 ft. lbs. (34–49 Nm).
  11. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  12. Fill the transaxle to the proper level. Adjust the shift control linkage and the neutral safety switch.
1983–86 626
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable and drain the transaxle. Disconnect the speedometer cable.
  2. Remove the shift control cable from the transaxle.
  3. Disconnect the ground wire, the inhibitor switch and the kickdown solenoid.
  4. Remove the starter motor.
  5. Attach the engine support tool 49-G030-025 or equivalent and suspend the engine.
  6. Remove the line connected to the vacuum diaphragm.
  7. Remove the five upper transaxle-to-engine attaching bolts.
  8. Remove the transaxle cooler lines from the transaxle. Plug the ends to prevent leakage.
  9. Raise and safely support the vehicle.
  10. Remove the front wheels. Remove the left and right splash shields.
  11. Remove the stabilizer bar control link. Remove the undercover.
  12. Remove the pinch bolt and separate the ball joint from the steering knuckle.
  13. Remove the left axle shaft from the transaxle by inserting a chisel between the axle shaft and the bearing housing. Tap the end of the chisel lightly in order to separate the axle shaft from the transaxle.
  14. Pull the front hub outward and remove the axle shaft from the transaxle. Support the axle shaft during and after removal to avoid damaging the CV-joints and boots.
  15. Pull the right axle shaft from the transaxle by inserting a prybar between the axle shaft and the joint shaft, then carefully force the axle shaft coupling open.
  16. Pull the front hub out and remove the axle shaft from the joint shaft. Support the axle shaft during and after removal to avoid damaging the CV-joints and boots. Remove the joint shaft assembly from the transaxle.
  17. Remove the transaxle undercover and torque converter-to-drive plate bolts. Support the transaxle assembly. Remove the crossmember and the left-side lower arm together as an assembly.
  18. Attach a safety chain to the transaxle mounting brackets in two places and attach the rope over the engine support bar.
  19. Remove the lower two transaxle-to-engine bolts. Lower the transaxle to the floor.

    To install:

  20. Install the transaxle mount bracket if removed. Install the transaxle to the engine assembly in the correct position and torque the upper retaining bolts to 66–86 ft. lbs. (89–117 Nm).
  21. Install the crossmember and the transaxle mount nuts. Torque the mount nuts to 31–40 ft. lbs. (42–54 Nm).
  22. Install the torque converter to the drive plate, then torque the retaining bolts to 25–36 ft. lbs. (34–49 Nm).
  23. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  24. Fill the transaxle to the proper level.
1986–87 323
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the air cleaner.
  2. Disconnect the speedometer and throttle cable from the transaxle. Disconnect the shift control cable from the transaxle.
  3. Remove the ground wire. Remove the water pipe bracket. Remove the secondary air pipe and the EGR pipe bracket.
  4. Remove the wire harness clip. Disconnect the inhibitor switch, the kickdown solenoid and any other necessary solenoids or switches.
  5. Remove the upper transaxle mounting bolts. Disconnect the neutral switch connector and the vacuum line from the vacuum diaphragm. Disconnect and plug the transaxle oil cooler lines. Mount the engine support tool 49-ER301-025A or equivalent to the engine hanger.
  6. Raise and support the vehicle safely. Drain the transaxle oil, then remove the front wheel and tire assemblies.
  7. Remove the engine under cover and side covers.
  8. Remove the lower arm ball joints and the knuckle clinch bolts, then pull the lower arm downward and separate the lower arms from the knuckles.
  9. Separate the axle shafts from the transaxle by prying with a suitable pry bar inserted between the shaft and the case. Be sure not to damage the oil seals.
  10. Support the transaxle assembly. Remove the transaxle crossmember. Remove the starter motor and electrical connection.
  11. Remove the end plate. Lean the engine toward the transaxle side and lower the transaxle by loosening the engine support hook bolt. Support the transaxle with a suitable floor jack.
  12. Remove the necessary engine brackets. Remove the remaining transaxle mounting bolt. Lower the jack and slide the transaxle out from under the vehicle.

    To install:

  13. Install the transaxle to the engine assembly in the correct position and torque the retaining bolts to 47–66 ft. lbs. (64–89 Nm).
  14. Install the torque converter to the drive plate, then torque the retaining bolts to 25–36 ft. lbs. (34–49 Nm).
  15. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  16. Adjust the shift control and neutral safety start switch.
1987–89 626 and MX-6
  1. Remove the battery and battery carrier.
  2. Disconnect the engine fuse block.
  3. Disconnect the center distributor terminal.
  4. Disconnect the airflow meter connector and remove the air cleaner assembly.
  5. On turbocharged vehicles, remove the intercooler-to-throttle body hose and the air cleaner-to-turbocharger hose.
  6. On non turbocharged vehicles remove the air cleaner hose, resonance chamber and chamber bracket.
  7. Disconnect the speedometer cable.
  8. Disconnect and label the transaxle control electrical connectors, inhibitor switch, solenoid valve, pulse generator (if so equipped), fluid temperature switch and all ground wires from the transaxle case.
  9. Disconnect the selector and throttle cable.
  10. Raise and safely support the vehicle. Drain the transaxle fluid and remove the front wheels.
  11. Remove the splash shields. Disconnect and plug the transaxle cooler lines.
  12. Disconnect the tie rod ends with a suitable tool. Remove the stabilizer bar control links.
  13. Remove the left and right lower arm ball joint retaining bolts and nuts. Pull the lower arms downward to separate them from the steering knuckles.
  14. Separate the left axle shaft from the transaxle by carefully prying with a tool inserted between the axle shaft and the transaxle case. Do not damage the transaxle oil seal.
  15. Remove the right joint shaft bracket.
  16. Remove the right axle shaft from the transaxle by carefully prying with a bar inserted between the axle shaft and transaxle case.
  17. Install transaxle plugs 49-G030-455 or equivalent into the differential side gears.

    NOTE: Failure to install the transaxle plugs may allow the differential side gears to become mispositioned.

  18. Remove the exhaust pipe hanger and gusset plates.
  19. Remove the torque converter cover.
  20. Remove the torque converter retaining nuts.
  21. Remove the starter motor and access brackets.
  22. Mount an engine support bar, 49-G017-5A0 or equivalent, and attach it to the engine hanger.
  23. Remove the center transaxle mount and bracket.
  24. Remove the left transaxle mount.
  25. Remove the nut and bolt attaching the right transaxle mount to the frame.
  26. Remove the crossmember and left lower arm as an assembly.
  27. Position a transmission jack under the transaxle and secure the transaxle to the jack.
  28. Remove the engine-to-transaxle bolts.
  29. Before the transaxle can be lowered out of the vehicle, the torque converter studs must be clear of the flexplate. Insert a tool between the flexplate and converter and carefully disengage the studs.
  30. Lower the transaxle out of the vehicle.

    To install:

  31. Place the transaxle on a transmission jack. Be sure the transaxle is secure.
  32. Raise the transaxle to the proper height and mount the transaxle to the engine.

    NOTE: Align the torque converter studs and flexplate holes.

  33. Install the engine-to-transaxle bolts and tighten to 66–86 ft. lbs. (89–117 Nm).
  34. Install the center transaxle mount and bracket. Tighten the bolts to 27–40 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm) and the nuts to 47–66 ft. lbs. (64–89 Nm).
  35. Install the left transaxle mount. Tighten the transaxle-to-mount attaching nut to 63–86 ft. lbs. (85–117 Nm). Tighten the mount to bracket bolt and nut to 49–69 ft. lbs. (66–93 Nm).
  36. Install the crossmember and left lower arm as an assembly. Tighten the bolts to 27–40 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm) and the nuts to 55–69 ft. lbs. (75–93 Nm).
  37. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  38. Fill the transaxle to the proper level. Adjust the shift control linkage and the neutral safety switch.
1988–89 323
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the air cleaner.
  2. Disconnect the speedometer and throttle cable from the transaxle. Disconnect the shift control cable from the transaxle.
  3. Remove all ground wires from the transaxle case.
  4. Remove the wire harness clip. Disconnect the inhibitor switch, the overdrive release solenoid and any other necessary electrical connections.
  5. Remove the upper transaxle mounting bolts. Disconnect and plug the transaxle oil cooler lines. Mount the engine support tool 49G0175A0 or equivalent to the engine hanger.
  6. Raise and support the vehicle safely. Drain the transaxle oil, then remove the front wheel and tire assemblies.
  7. Remove the engine under cover and side covers. Remove the torque converter to engine retaining bolts.
  8. Remove the left and right lower arm ball joint knuckle clinch bolts. Remove the stabilizer bar control link assemblies. Pull the lower arm downward and separate the lower arms from the knuckles.

    NOTE: Install transaxle plugs 49–B027–006 or equivalent into the differential side gears after axle shaft removal. Failure to install the transaxle plugs may allow the differential side gears to become mispositioned.

  9. Separate the axle shafts from the transaxle by prying with a suitable pry bar inserted between the shaft and the case. Be sure not to damage the oil seals.
  10. Support the transaxle assembly. Remove the transaxle crossmember. Remove the starter motor and electrical connection.
  11. Remove the end plate. Lean the engine toward the transaxle side and lower the transaxle. Support the transaxle with a suitable floor jack.
  12. Remove the necessary engine brackets. Remove the remaining transaxle mounting bolts. Lower the jack and slide the transaxle out from under the vehicle.

    To install:

  13. Install the transaxle to the engine assembly and torque the retaining bolts to 41–59 ft. lbs. (56–80 Nm).
  14. Install the torque converter to the drive plate, then torque the retaining bolts to 25–36 ft. lbs. (34–49 Nm).
  15. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.

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