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  1. Raise the vehicle and support it safely. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Disengage all electrical wiring and connections. Mark these units to aid in reassembling. Drain the transaxle oil.
  3. Remove the front wheels. Disconnect the lower ball joints from the steering knuckles. Pull the driveshafts from the differential gears.

    NOTE: A circlip is positioned on the driveshaft ends and engages in a groove, machined in the differential side gears. The driveshafts may have to be forced from the differential housing to release the clip from the groove. Do not apply a sharp impact. Do not allow the driveshaft's free end to drop, otherwise may occur to the ball and socket joints as well as to the rubber boots. Wire the shafts to the vehicle body when released from the differential.

  4. Support the engine with a jack or lift, and raise it slightly. Now, separate the shift control rod from the shift rod.
  5. Remove the extension bar from the transaxle. Remove the crossmember.
  6. Remove the rubber mount from the transaxle case. Remove the starter.
  7. Support the transaxle securely with a jack. Then remove the transaxle mounting bolts, and remove it from the car.

    To install:

  8. Raise the transaxle into position with the jack, then install and tighten the mounting bolts.
  9. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  10. Fill the transaxle to the proper level and adjust the clutch linkage.

    Fig. 1: Disconnecting shift linkage and removing the crossmember — GLC manual transaxle

1983–87 626
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Disconnect the speedometer cable at the transaxle.
  3. Remove the clutch cable bracket mounting bolts. Disconnect the cable at the release lever, then remove the mounting bracket.

    Fig. 2: Loosen the nuts which secure the clutch cable to the release lever . . .

    Fig. 3: . . . then disengage the cable from the lever

  4. Remove the ground wire attaching bolt and the wiring harness clip from the transaxle. Remove the starter.
  5. Support the engine via the hooks in a secure manner from above.
  6. Remove the four bolts which couple the engine to the transaxle.
  7. Jack up the vehicle and support it securely. Drain the transaxle oil.
  8. Remove the front wheels and the splash shields. Remove the stabilizer bar control link.
  9. Remove the protective cover, if so equipped. Remove its coupling bolt, then separate the lower control arm ball joint from the steering knuckle by pulling downward on the lower control arm. Be careful not to damage the ball joint dust cover.
  10. Insert a lever between the left-side driveshaft U-joint and the transaxle as shown, then gently tap the end of the lever to pull the driveshaft out of the differential side gear. Be careful not to damage the oil seal in the case. Pull outward on the brake rotor and caliper while holding the inner end of the shaft to guide it straight out of the transaxle case. This will prevent damage to the oil seal.

    Fig. 4: Removing the left-side driveshaft from the 626 transaxle

    Fig. 5: Removing the right-side driveshaft from the 626 transaxle

  11. Insert a lever between the right-side driveshaft and joint shaft (cross-shaft), as shown, then gently tap the lever to uncouple the two. Pull forward on the brake caliper/rotor assembly on this side and separate the two shafts. Now, remove the cross-shaft bracket mounting bolts and remove the shaft/bracket assembly from the transaxle.
  12. Remove the nuts from the transaxle mounting bracket where it connects with the crossmember. Then, remove the crossmember and the left lower arm as an assembly.
  13. Disconnect the shift control rod from the shift rod. Disconnect the locating rod (extension bar) at the transaxle. Remove the protective cover from under the transaxle.

    Fig. 6: Disconnect the locating rod at the transaxle

  14. Using a lift and chains or heavy rope, support the transaxle mounting bracket at two places and at the engine support. Support at three locations is necessary because the unit is not balanced. Remove the two bolts fastening the transaxle and engine together, then separate the transaxle from the engine. You can lower the unit from the car with a jack located underneath, but make sure the chains or rope are kept under some tension to stop the unit from tipping. Remove the mount brackets from the unit.

    To install:

  15. Installation of the transaxle is essentially the reverse of the removal procedure. Please note the following:
    1. Coat the spline of the primary shaft gear with molybdenum disulfide grease prior to assembling the transaxle to the engine.
    2. Make sure to steady the transaxle with chains or ropes while installing it.
  16. Replace the clips at the inner ends of the driveshaft and cross-shaft back into the transaxle, but first turn the differential side gear by inserting your finger into the shaft hole so the shaft splines and gear recesses will fit into one another. Force the shaft in so the spring clip will lock. After the shaft is installed, connect it to the driveshaft. Then, pull the front disc-caliper assembly outward to make sure the driveshaft will not come out of the transaxle.
  17. When installing the other driveshaft, use the same general technique to first force the spring clip to lock and then check that it has locked in a similar manner.

    Observe the following torque figures:

1988–89 626 and MX-6
  1. Remove the battery and battery carrier.
  2. Disconnect the main fuse block, distributor lead and air flow meter connector. Remove the air cleaner assembly.
  3. On turbocharged engines, disconnect the intercooler hoses. On non-turbocharged engines, remove the resonance chamber.
  4. Disconnect the speedometer cable and the transaxle grounds.
  5. Raise and support the vehicle safely, then remove the front wheels and splash shield. Drain the transaxle oil into a suitable waste container.
  6. Remove the clutch release cylinder and disconnect the tie rod ends using the proper tool.
  7. Remove the stabilizer control links. Remove the nuts and bolts from the lower control arm ball joints, then pull the lower control arms downward to separate them from the steering knuckles. Be careful not to damage the ball joint dust boots.
  8. Insert a small pry bar between the left driveshaft and the transaxle case, then tap the end of the lever to uncouple the driveshaft from the differential side gear. Pull the front hub forward and separate the driveshaft from the transaxle. Remove the left joint shaft bracket. Separate the right driveshaft and joint shaft in the same manner as the left.

    NOTE: Do not insert the lever too deeply between the shaft and the case or the oil seal lip could be damaged. To avoid damage to the oil seal, hold the CV-joint at the differential with one hand and pull the driveshaft straight out.

  9. Once both drive and joint shafts are removed, install differential side gear holders 49–G030–455 (turbo), 49–G027–003 or their equivalents in the differential side gears to hold them in place and prevent misalignment.
  10. Remove the gusset plates and under cover. Remove the extension bar and the control rod. Remove the surge tank bracket. Disconnect the wiring and remove the starter.
  11. Suspend the engine from the engine hanger bracket with a suitable lifting device or engine support fixture.

    Fig. 7: No. 4 transaxle mount — 1988–89 626 and MX-6

    Fig. 8: No. 2 transaxle mount — 1988–89 626 and MX-6

  12. Remove the No. 4 and No. 2 engine mounts and bracket. Disconnect the rubber hanger from the crossmember, then remove the crossmember and left-side lower control arm as an assembly.
  13. Lean the engine towards the transaxle and support the transaxle with a jack. Remove the transaxle-to-engine mounting bolts and slide the transaxle from underneath the vehicle.

    To install:

  14. Attach a thick rope to two places on the transaxle. Place a board on the jack and lower the transaxle onto the board. Using the jack, lift the transaxle into position and throw the end of the rope over the support fixture bar. Tension the rope to guide the transaxle onto its mounts while lifting the transaxle with the jack. Once the transaxle is in place, have an assistant install the transaxle-to-engine mounting bolts and torque them to 66–68 ft. lbs. (89–92 Nm). Install the No. 4 engine mount and torque nuts A to 47–66 ft. lbs. (64–89) and nuts B to 49–69 ft. lbs. (66–93 Nm). Install the No. 2 engine mount and torque nuts A on non-turbo engines to 27–38 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm) and 49–69 ft. lbs. (66–93 Nm) on turbo engines. Torque nuts B to 55–69 ft. lbs. (75–93 Nm) on both engines.
  15. Install the crossmember and left-side lower control arm assembly. Torque the bolts to 27–40 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm) and the nuts to 55–69 ft. lbs. (75–93 Nm).
  16. Remove the jack and rope. Remove the support fixture.
  17. Install the starter and connect the wiring. Attach the surge tank bracket and gusset plate. Install the end plate, clutch release cylinder and remaining gusset plates. Torque the gusset plate bolts to 27–38 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm).
  18. Replace the clips at the inner ends of the driveshaft and cross-shaft back into the transaxle, but first turn the differential side gear by inserting your finger into the shaft hole so the shaft splines and gear recesses will fit into one another. Force the shaft in so the spring clip will lock. After the shaft is installed, connect it to the driveshaft. Then, pull the front disc-caliper assembly outward to make sure the driveshaft will not come out of the transmission. When installing the other driveshaft, use the same general technique to first force the spring clip to lock and then check that it has locked in a similar manner.
  19. Connect the lower arm ball joints to the steering knuckles and torque the nuts to 32–40 ft. lbs. (43–54 Nm). Clean the inside of the under cover and fill the notches with a suitable silicone sealant. Install the under cover and torque the retaining bolts to 67–95 inch lbs. (8–11 Nm).
  20. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
323 Models
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the air cleaner. Loosen the front wheel lug nuts.
  2. Disconnect the speedometer from the transaxle. Disconnect the clutch cable from the release lever and remove the clutch cable bracket mounting bolts.
  3. Remove the ground wire installation boot. Remove the water pipe bracket. Remove the secondary air pipe and the EGR pipe bracket.
  4. Remove the wire harness clip. Disconnect the coupler for the neutral switch and back-up lamp switch. Disconnect the body ground connector.
  5. Remove the two upper transaxle mounting bolts. Mount the engine support tool 49-ER301-025A or equivalent to the engine hanger.
  6. Raise and support the vehicle safely. Drain the transaxle oil into a suitable container and remove the front wheels.
  7. Remove the engine under cover and side covers. Remove the front stabilizer.
  8. Remove the lower arm ball joints and the knuckle clinch bolts, then pull the lower arm downward and separate the lower arms from the knuckles.
  9. Separate the driveshaft by pulling the front hub outward. Make sure not to use too much force at once, increase the force gradually. Be sure the driveshaft's ball joint is bent to its maximum extent. Do not allow the axle shafts to drop, otherwise damage may occur to the ball and socket joints as well as to the rubber boots. Wire the shafts to the vehicle body when released from the differential.

    Fig. 9: Crossmember mounting and brackets — 323 with 2wd

  10. Remove the transaxle crossmember. Separate the change control rod from the transaxle. Remove the extension bar from the transaxle. Remove the wiring and the starter motor.
  11. Remove the end plates. Lean the engine toward the transaxle side to lower the transaxle by loosening the engine support hook bolt. Support the transaxle with a suitable transaxle jack.
  12. Remove the necessary engine brackets. Remove the remaining transaxle mounting bolt and No. 2 engine bracket. Lower the jack and slide the transaxle out from under the vehicle.

    To install:

  13. Before installing the transaxle, coat the splines of the primary shaft gear with molybdenum disulfide grease.
  14. Attach a thick rope to two places on the transaxle. Place a board on the jack and lower the transaxle onto the board. Using the jack, lift the transaxle into position and throw the end of the rope over the support fixture bar. Tension the rope to guide the transaxle onto its mounts while lifting the transaxle with the jack. Once the transaxle is in place, have an assistant install all the transaxle-to-engine mounting bolts. Torque the bolts to 47–66 ft. lbs. (64–89 Nm).
  15. Install the end plates and the starter motor. Install the extension bar and control rod. Torque the extension bar nuts to 23–34 ft. lbs. (31–46 Nm) and the change control rod nuts to 12–17 ft. lbs. (16–23 Nm).
  16. Attach the No. 2 mounting bracket to the transaxle and torque the bracket bolts to 27–38 ft. lbs. (37–51 Nm). Install the crossmember and left-side lower control arm assembly. Torque bolts A to 47–66 ft. lbs. (64–89 Nm) and bolts B to 20–34 ft. lbs. (27–46 Nm).
  17. Remove the jack and rope. Remove the support fixture.
  18. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.

    Fig. 10: 323 stabilizer bar adjustment

  19. Adjust clutch and shift linkage as required. Refill the transaxle with the proper grade of gear oil.
  1. Remove the battery and the air cleaner assembly. Disconnect the speedometer cable in the center. Remove the clutch release cylinder retaining bolt and clip, then remove the clutch release cylinder. Raise and support the vehicle safely, then drain the transaxle and engine oil.
  2. Disconnect the neutral safety switch, back-up lamp switch, differential lock sensor switch and differential lock motor electrical connectors. Disconnect the transaxle shift and select control cables from the transaxle by removing the pins and cable retaining clips. Route the cables off to the side and out of the way.
  3. Mount the engine support fixture 49-8017-5A0 or equivalent to the engine strut mounting blocks. To mount the support fixture, first the nuts must be removed from the mounting blocks. Remove the No. 4 engine mount bracket and remove the front wheels.

    Fig. 11: No. 4 mounting bracket — 323 with 4wd

  4. Remove the side cover and under cover. Remove the driveshaft and crossmember. Remove the oil filter and differential lock assembly (the differential lock assembly is fastened with three bolts). Disconnect the starter wiring, then remove the starter and stabilizer bar.
  5. Disconnect the tie rod end from the lower control arm. Insert a small pry bar between the driveshaft and the transaxle case, then tap the end of the lever to uncouple the driveshaft from the differential side gear. Remove the remaining driveshaft in the same manner. Insert differential side gear holder 49-B027-001 or equivalent to hold the side gears in place and prevent misalignment.
  6. Remove the end plate bolts, then connect a suitable hoist and lifting strap to the transaxle. Lift the transaxle and transfer carrier assembly out of the engine.

    To install:

  7. Attach a thick rope to two places on the transaxle. Place a board on the jack and lower the transaxle onto the board. Using the jack, lift the transaxle into position and throw the end of the rope over the support fixture bar. Tension the rope to guide the transaxle onto its mounts while lifting the transaxle with the jack. Once the transaxle is in place, have an assistant install all the transaxle-to-engine and transfer mounting bolts. Torque the bolts to 66–86 ft. lbs. (89–117 Nm).
  8. Install the end plates.
  9. Replace the clips at the inner ends of the driveshaft and cross-shaft back into the transaxle, but first turn the differential side gear by inserting your finger into the shaft hole so the shaft splines and gear recesses will fit into one another. Force the shaft in so the spring clip will lock. After the shaft is installed, connect it to the driveshaft. Then, pull the front disc-caliper assembly outward to make sure the driveshaft will not come out of the transmission. When installing the other driveshaft, use the same general technique to first force the spring clip to lock and then check that it has locked in a similar manner. When installing the joint shaft, torque mounting bolts to 31–46 ft. lbs. (42–62 Nm).
  10. The balance of the installation is the reverse of removal.
  11. Fill the transaxle to the proper level through the speedometer drive gear opening. Fill the crankcase. Adjust the shift and select control cables as previously described.

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