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Ball Joints

NOTE: Ball joints are pressed into the lower control arms and cannot be removed. In the event of a defective ball joint, the lower control arm and ball joint must be replaced as an assembly.

Defective ball joints are determined by checking the rotational torque with a special preload attachment and spring scale. Torn ball joint dust boots can be replaced. Replacement of the ball joint dust boot is accomplished by removing the lower control arm from the vehicle and chiseling off the old boot. Coat the inside of the new dust boot with lithium grease and press it into the ball joint using the proper tool. Check the ball joint stud threads for damage and repair as necessary. Check the ball joint preload and install the lower control arm by reversing the removal procedure. Please refer to the Lower Control Arm Removal and Installation procedure in this section.

Fig. 1: Measuring ball joint preload using a special attachment and spring scale

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