Remove the combination switch as described earlier in this section. Using
a small cold chisel and hammer, make a groove in each ignition lock retaining
screw wide enough to accept a flat blade screwdriver. Remove the retaining
screws, then withdraw the ignition switch assembly.
Fig. 1: Create slots which permit a screwdriver to
remove the ignition lock retaining screws
Install the switch with new screws. Break their heads off to make the switch
difficult for a thief to remove.
Reverse the remaining steps of the removal procedure to install the combination
switch. While tightening the steering lock mounting screws, insert the ignition
key and check the lock for proper operation.
Remove the steering wheel. See above for procedures.
Remove the steering column covers and the air duct.
Disengage the electrical connections of the switch. Mark them for reassembly.
Remove the stop ring cancel cam and spring from the column shaft, then remove
the combination switch.
Wedge a length of wood or pipe under the switch to protect the steering
shaft from the shock of the hammer blows. Using a chisel and hammer, break
the bolts that attach the steering lock body to the column jacket. Remove
the ignition switch from the column jacket.
Use new break-away head bolts to attach the switch body and tighten them
until the heads shear off.
Install the combination switch, air duct, steering column covers, steering
wheel by reversing the removal procedure.