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  1. Thoroughly clean the outside of the caliper.
  2. Remove the dust boot retainer and the boot.
  3. Place a piece of hardwood in front of the piston.
  4. Gradually apply compressed air through the hydraulic line fitting and withdraw the piston.

    Blow the air in a little at a time; the piston will be pushed out forcefully if air is blown in too suddenly.

    Fig. 1: With a piece of hardwood over the bore, gradually apply compressed air through the hydraulic line fitting to dislodge the piston

    Fig. 2: Remove the piston from the caliper

    NOTE: If the piston is frozen and cannot be removed from the caliper, tap lightly around it, while air pressure is being applied.

  5. Withdraw the piston and dust seal from the caliper bore. Remove the retaining ring and dust seal.
  6. If necessary, remove the bleeder screw.
  7. Wash all of the parts in clean brake fluid. Dry them off with compressed air.

    Do not wash the parts in kerosene or gasoline.

  8. Examine the caliper bore and piston for scores, scratches, or rust. Replace either part, as required. Minor scratches or scoring can be corrected by dressing with crocus cloth. On late model GLCs, remove the caliper bushing with a slide pin and inspect it for excess wear or cracks.
  9. Remove the piston seal from the caliper. Discard the old dust seal and piston seal, then replace them with new ones. Apply clean brake fluid to the piston and bore.

    Fig. 3: Remove the retainer from the piston

    Fig. 4: Remove the dust seal from the piston

    Fig. 5: Reach in and remove the piston seal from the caliper bore, but be VERY CAREFUL not to score or damage the caliper

  10. Assemble the caliper in the reverse order of disassembly. On late model GLCs, apply grease to the dust boot and piston seal according to the directions in the kit. Install the dust boot onto the piston, then install the assembly into the caliper. Apply grease to the slide pin and bushing.
  11. On late model 626 and all MX-6, 929 and RX-7 vehicles, install the dust seal onto the piston, then install the assembly into the caliper. Apply the red grease packed in the seal kit to the piston seal. Apply the orange grease to the dust seal. Also apply the orange grease to the pin's outer circumference, the inner surface of the bushing, and the dust boot.

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