- Remove the bolts and nuts that attach the adjusting rails to the mounting
- On vehicles equipped with electrically operated driver's seats, unfasten
the front and rear lifting, sliding and reclining motor connectors. After
the seat is detached from its mounting, carefully determine how to maneuver
the seat from the vehicle.
- Manually operate the seat adjuster lever to ensure that it moves smoothly
and do the same for the reclining knuckle. Lightly coat the adjusting lever
and tracks with white lithium grease or silicone and work the lubricant in
by manually operating the adjusting lever. Wipe all the excess lubricant from
the adjuster mechanism. Check the adjustment lever for excessive wear and
replace as required. Check the seat-to-adjuster mounting bolts and all screws
for looseness and tighten as necessary to 28–38 ft. lbs. (38–51
- Installation of the seat is the reverse of the removal procedure. Tighten
the mounting bolts in an even and alternate pattern.