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1987–88 Engines

NOTE: You'll need a dwell meter with a 90°scale.

  1. Run the engine to normal operating temperature.
  2. On the 2.6L engine, connect the dwell meter (+) positive lead to the yellow/green wire in the check connector, located near the No.3 air control valve and reed valve case assembly. Connect the (-) lead to ground.
  3. On the 2.2L engine, connect the dwell meter (+) positive lead to the brown/yellow wire in the check connector, located near the No.3 air control valve and reed valve case assembly. Connect the (-) lead to ground.
  4. With the engine at the normal idle speed, the dwell meter should read 27–45°for the 2.6L engine, or 20–70°for the 2.2L engine.
  5. If not, check the oxygen sensor, the wiring between the oxygen sensor and the feedback control unit, and the control unit itself. See Section 5 for procedures. If all components check out satisfactorily, adjust the mixture with the adjusting screw.
1989–93 Engines

The idle mixture is controlled by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and is not adjustable.


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