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Timing Chain Cover


2.6L Engine
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Remove the air cleaner assembly.
  3. Remove the accessory drive belts.
  4. Remove the alternator mounting bolts and remove alternator.
  5. Remove the power steering mounting bolts and set power steering pump aside.
  6. Remove the air condition compressor mounting bolts and set compressor aside.
  7. Support the vehicle on jackstands and remove right inner splash shield.
  8. Drain the engine oil.

    The EPA warns that prolonged contact with used engine oil may cause a number of skin disorders, including cancer! You should make every effort to minimize your exposure to used engine oil. Protective gloves should be worn when changing the oil. Wash your hands and any other exposed skin areas as soon as possible after exposure to used engine oil. Soap and water, or waterless hand cleaner should be used.

  9. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
  10. Lower the vehicle and place a jack under the engine with a piece of wood between jack and lifting point.
  11. Raise the jack until contact is made with the engine. Relieve pressure by jacking slightly and remove the center bolt from the right engine mount. Remove right engine mount.
  12. Remove the engine oil dipstick.
  13. Remove the engine valve cover.
  14. Remove the front (2) cylinder head to timing chain cover bolts. DO NOT LOOSEN ANY OTHER CYLINDER HEAD BOLTS.
  15. Remove the oil pan retaining bolts and lower the oil pan.
  16. Remove the screws holding the timing indicator and engine mounting plate.
  17. Remove the bolts holding the timing chain case cover and remove cover.
  18. Clean and inspect chain case cover for crack or other damage.

    To install:

  19. Position a new timing chain case cover gasket on case cover. Trim as required to assure fit at top and bottom.
  20. Coat the cover gasket with sealant (P/N 3419115) or equivaltent. Install chain case cover and tighten mounting bolts to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
  21. Install the (2) front cylinder head to timing chain case cover mounting bolts.
  22. Install the engine oil pan.
  23. Install the engine mounting plate and timing indicator.
  24. Install the crankshaft pulley.
  25. Install the right engine mount, lower engine and install right engine mount center bolt.
  26. Install the engine valve cover.
  27. Install the engine oil dipstick.
  28. Install the air conditioner compressor.
  29. Install the power steering pump.
  30. Install the alternator.
  31. Install the accessory drive belts.
  32. Fill the engine crankcase with recommended engine oil.
  33. Install the air cleaner assembly.
  34. Connect the negative battery cable.
  1. Disconnect the battery ground.
  2. Drain the cooling system.

    When draining the coolant, keep in mind that cats and dogs are attracted by the ethylene glycol antifreeze, and are quite likely to drink any that is left in an uncovered container or in puddles on the ground. This will prove fatal in sufficient quantity. Always drain the coolant into a sealable container. Coolant should be reused unless it is contaminated or several years old.

  3. Remove the accessory drive belts.
  4. Remove the fan and shroud.
  5. Remove the water pump pulley.
  6. Unbolt and remove the water pump.
  7. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
  8. Remove the oil pan.
  9. Loosen the mounting bolts and remove the timing chain cover.

    To install:

  10. Install a new water inlet pipe gasket using adhesive sealer.
  11. Install the oil pick-up tube using a new gasket. Tighten the bolts to 95 inch lbs. (11 Nm).
  12. Using new gaskets coated with sealer, install the timing chain cover. Tighten the bolts to 19 ft. lbs. (26 Nm).
  13. Tighten the oil pick-up brace bolt to 95 inch lbs. (11 Nm).
  14. Install the oil pan.
  15. Install the crankshaft pulley.
  16. Install the water pump.
  17. Install the water pump pulley.
  18. Install the fan and shroud.
  19. Install the accessory drive belts.
  20. Fill the cooling system. Fill the engine with the correct type and amount of engine oil.
  21. Connect the battery ground.
4.0L Engine

NOTE: Review the complete service procedure before starting this repair. Refer to the necessary service procedures in this Chapter.

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Remove the oil pan.
  2. Drain the cooling system.
  3. Remove the radiator.

    When draining the coolant, keep in mind that cats and dogs are attracted by the ethylene glycol antifreeze, and are quite likely to drink any that is left in an uncovered container or in puddles on the ground. This will prove fatal in sufficient quantity. Always drain the coolant into a sealable container. Coolant should be reused unless it is contaminated or several years old.

  4. Remove the air conditioning compressor and position it out of the way. DO NOT disconnect the refrigerant lines!
  5. Remove the power steering pump and position it out of the way. DO NOT disconnect the hoses!
  6. Remove the alternator.
  7. Remove the fan.
  8. Remove the water pump.
  9. Remove the drive pulley/damper from the crankshaft.
  10. Remove the crankshaft timing sensor.
  11. Remove the front cover attaching bolts. It may be necessary to tap the cover loose with a plastic mallet.

    To install:

    Fig. 1: Timing chain cover installation and bolt tightening specifications

  12. Install the front cover and attaching bolts. Refer to the necessary illustration.
  13. Install the radiator.
  14. Install the crankshaft position sensor.
  15. Install the drive pulley/damper.
  16. Install the water pump.
  17. Install the fan.
  18. Install the alternator.
  19. Install the power steering pump.
  20. Install the air conditioning compressor.
  21. Fill the cooling system.
  22. Install the oil pan.
  23. Fill the crankcase to the proper level with engine oil. Connect the negative battery cable. Start engine check for leaks and roadtest the vehicle for proper operation.

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