Safety is the most important factor when performing not only fuel system maintenance
but any type of maintenance. Failure to conduct maintenance and repairs in a
safe manner may result in serious personal injury or death. Maintenance and
testing of the vehicle's fuel system components can be accomplished safely and
effectively by adhering to the following rules and guidelines.
- To avoid the possibility of fire and personal injury, always disconnect
the negative battery cable unless the repair or test procedure requires that
battery voltage be applied.
- Always relieve the fuel system pressure prior to disconnecting any fuel
system component (injector, fuel rail, pressure regulator, etc.), fitting
or fuel line connection. Exercise extreme caution whenever relieving fuel
system pressure to avoid exposing skin, face and eyes to fuel spray. Please
be advised that fuel under pressure may penetrate the skin or any part of
the body that it contacts.
- Always place a shop towel or cloth around the fitting or connection prior
to loosening to absorb any excess fuel due to spillage. Ensure that all fuel
spillage (should it occur) is quickly removed from engine surfaces. Ensure
that all fuel soaked cloths or towels are deposited into a suitable waste
- Always keep a dry chemical (Class B) fire extinguisher near the work area.
- Do not allow fuel spray or fuel vapors to come into contact with a spark
or open flame.
- Always use a backup wrench when loosening and tightening fuel line connection
fittings. This will prevent unnecessary stress and torsion to fuel line piping.
Always follow the proper torque specifications.
- Always replace worn fuel fitting O-rings with new. Do not substitute fuel
hose or equivalent where fuel pipe is installed.