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Rear Wiper Switch


Navajo Models
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Loosen the two mounting screws and remove the ashtray.
  3. Disengage the retaining clips and remove the instrument cluster finish panel.
  4. Unsnap and remove the mounting bezel that contains the rear wiper switch.
  5. Disconnect the electrical lead from the switch.
  6. Remove the switch from the mounting bezel by pushing on the switch from the connector side until the mounting clips unsnap.

    To install:

  7. Connect the wiring and install the switch in the instrument panel.
  8. Install the instrument cluster finish panel.
  9. Install the ashtray and tighten the two mounting screws.
  10. Connect the negative battery cable. Check the operation of the switch.
1994–95 MPV Models
  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Using a small prying tool, remove the trim panel at the front edge of the instrument cluster hood, near the bottom edge of the windshield.
  3. Remove the three instrument cluster hood mounting screws underneath the trim panel.
  4. Remove the two instrument cluster hood mounting screws located under the bootom edge of the hood assembly.
  5. Carefully pull the instrument cluster hood assembly away from the dashboard far enough to unplug the wiring harness connectors from behind the switches on each side.
  6. Remove the mounting screws, then separate the rear wiper and washer switch from the left side of the cluster hood.

    To install:

  7. Place the rear wiper and washer switch onto the cluster hood and tighten the mounting screws.
  8. Hold the instrument cluster hood assembly close to the dashboard and plug in wiring harness connectors.
  9. Place the instrument cluster hood assembly onto the dashboard. Install and tighten the five mounting screws.
  10. Install the trim panel cover.
  11. Connect the negative battery cable. Check the operation of the switch.

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