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Manual Locking Hubs


B Series Pickup

Fig. 1: Manual locking hub assembly

  1. Raise and safely support the vehicle. Remove the wheel and tire assembly.
  2. Set the locking hub in the FREE position.
  3. Remove the locking hub mounting bolts and remove the locking hub.
  4. With the hub removed, install 2 bolts and nuts opposite each other to hold the hub together.
  5. Check for smooth turning of the control handle.
  6. Check for smooth rotation of the inner hub with the control lever in the FREE position.
  7. Check for no rotation of the inner hub with the control lever in the LOCK position.

    To install:

  8. Coat the surface of the hub with sealant.
  9. Place the control lever in the FREE position.
  10. Install the hub on the vehicle and tighten the bolts to 22–25 ft. lbs. (29–34 Nm).
  11. Install the wheel and tire assembly and check the operation of the hub. Lower the vehicle.

Fig. 2: Manual locking hub assembly

  1. Raise and support the vehicle safely.
  2. Remove the lug nuts and remove the wheel and tire assembly.
  3. Remove the retainer washers from the lug nut studs and remove the manual locking hub assembly. To remove the internal hub lock assembly from the outer body assembly, remove the outer lock ring seated in the hub body groove. The internal assembly, spring and clutch gear will now slide out of the hub body. Do not remove the screw from the plastic dial.
  4. Rebuild the hub assembly in the reverse order of disassembly.
  5. Adjust the wheel bearing if necessary. Install the manual locking hub assembly over the spindle and place the retainer washers on the lug nut studs.
  6. Install the wheel and tire assembly and lower the vehicle.

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