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Rear Driveshaft


Navajo Models

Fig. 1: Rear driveshaft — single & double cardan type

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Raise and support the vehicle safely.

    NOTE: The driveshaft is a balanced unit. Before removing the driveshaft, matchmark the driveshaft yoke in relationship to the axle flange so that it may be installed in its original position.

  3. Remove the retaining bolts and disconnect the driveshaft from the axle companion flange.
  4. Remove the retaining bolts that retains the driveshaft to the rear of the transfer case.
  5. Remove the driveshaft.

    To install:

  6. Install the driveshaft into the rear of the transfer case. Make certain that the driveshaft is positioned with the slip yoke toward the front of the vehicle. Install the bolts and tighten to 41–55 ft. lbs. (55–74Nm).
  7. Install the driveshaft so the index mark on the rear yoke is in line with the index mark on the axle companion flange.
Pickup and MPV Models

Fig. 2: Stuff a rag into the CV U-joint to hold the driveshaft straight and prevent damage to the boot

Fig. 3: Before removing any mounting nuts, matchmark the position of the driveshaft to the differential for correct reassembly

Fig. 4: To separate the driveshaft from the differential housing, use two, 14 mm box wrenches and remove the four mounting nuts

Fig. 5: Be careful not to lose the washer when removing the driveshaft-to-differential mounting nuts

Fig. 6: Using a 14mm socket, loosen the ground wire retaining bolt . . .

Fig. 7: . . . then remove the bolt, separating the ground wire from the driveshaft center bearing

Fig. 8: Remove the driveshaft center bearing mounting bolts

Fig. 9: After removing the center bearing mounting bolts, separate the driveshaft from the differntial housing . . .

Fig. 10: . . . then, while supporting the driveshaft assembly, slide the driveshaft straight out of the extension housing

Fig. 11: After removing the driveshaft, install a plug such as the one pictured, into the opening of the extension housing to prevent transmission fluid from dripping out

  1. Matchmark the rear U-joint with the rear companion flange. Remove the bolts attaching the driveshaft to the rear companion flange.
  2. Remove the center support bearing bracket from the underbody.
  3. Pull the driveshaft rearward and out of the transmission. Plug the rear seal opening.
  4. Installation is the reverse of removal. Make sure that you align the matchmarks. Torque the rear companion flange bolts to 39–47 ft. lbs.; the center bearing bracket nuts to 27–38 ft. lbs.

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