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Steering Wheel


Fig. 1: Remove the screws that retain the steering wheel center hub/horn pad cover on the steering wheel

Fig. 2: Lift the center hub/horn pad cover up off of the steering wheel . . .

Fig. 3: . . . then disengage the steering wheel horn wiring connector

  1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
  2. Remove the steering wheel pad from the steering wheel. On some models, pull the horn pad straight up from the steering wheel. On other models, remove the mounting screws from behind the steering wheel. Pull the pad back and disconnect the horn switch and, if equipped, cruise control wires. Remove the steering wheel pad.

    Fig. 4: Remove the 2 screws that retain the steering wheel bottom cover to the steering shaft

    Fig. 5: Remove the steering wheel-to-column shaft lock bolt

    Fig. 6: Matchmark the position of the steering wheel to the column shaft for proper installation

    Fig. 7: Use a steering wheel puller tool to remove the steering wheel from the column shaft

    Fig. 8: Remove the steering wheel from the vehicle

  3. Remove the steering wheel attaching bolt or nut. Check to see if the steering wheel and steering shaft have alignment marks or flats. If there are no steering wheel-to-steering column shaft alignment marks or flats, matchmark the steering wheel and column shaft so they can be reassembled in the same position.
  4. Using a suitable puller, remove the steering wheel from the steering column shaft.

    NOTE: Do not hammer on the steering wheel or steering shaft or use a knock-off type steering wheel puller, as either will damage the steering column.

    To install:

  5. Install the steering wheel on the steering column shaft, aligning the marks or flats on the steering wheel with the marks or flats on the steering shaft.
  6. On all except Navajo, install the steering wheel attaching nut and tighten to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm). On Navajo, install the steering wheel attaching bolt and tighten to 23–33 ft. lbs. (31–45 Nm).
  7. Connect the horn switch and, if equipped, cruise control wires and install the steering wheel pad.
  8. Connect the negative battery and check the steering column for proper operation.

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