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Shock Absorbers


  1. Raise and support the rear end on jackstands.
  2. Remove the wheels.
  3. Unbolt the shock absorber at each end and remove it.
  4. Place the shock absorber in position and secure the mounting hardware. Torque each bolt to 58 ft. lbs. (78 Nm).

Fig. 1: Support the rear axle assembly by placing a jack stand underneath the lower shock absorber mounting bracket, then using a 21mm box wrench, loosen the mounting nut

Fig. 2: Remove the mounting nut, washer and retaining plate from the bottom of the shock absorber

Fig. 3: Place the nut onto the end of the retaining bolt to prevent the bolt from being damaged by the hammer blows and if necessary, hammer the mounting bolt out of the shock and axle mounting bracket

Fig. 4: Pull out the lower shock absorber-to-rear axle retaining bolt

Fig. 5: The top rear shock absorber mounting nut is accessible through a hole in the inner fenderwell splash shield

Fig. 6: Loosen the upper shock absorber mounting bolt using a 21mm socket placed through the access hole in the inner fender shield

Fig. 7: Remove the mounting nut, washer and retaining plate from the top of the shock absorber

Fig. 8: Separate the top of the rear shock absorber from the top mounting stud

  1. Raise and support the rear end on jackstands.
  2. Disconnect the shock absorbers at the lower, then upper, end. Remove them.
  3. Place the shock absorber in position and secure the mounting hardware snugly. Lower the van to the ground and torque the bolts to 76 ft. lbs. (103 Nm).
  1. Raise the vehicle and position jackstands under the axle or wheel, in order to take the load off of the shock absorber.
  2. Remove the shock absorber lower retaining nut and bolt. Swing the lower end free of the mounting bracket on the axle housing.
  3. Remove the retaining nut(s) from the upper shock absorber mounting
  4. Remove the shock absorber from the vehicle.
  5. Position and secure the shock absorber with the mounting hardware. Torque the lower shock absorber retaining bolt to 39–53 ft. lbs.
  6. Torque the upper shock absorber retaining nuts to 15–21 ft. lbs.

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