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Chassis and Cab Mount Bushings


NOTE: This applies to Navajo and Pickup models only.

Fig. 1: Exploded view of chassis mount bushing assembly

Fig. 2: Body-to-frame mounts and hardware — Navajo

Use the accompanying illustrations as a guide

  1. Remove interior trim as required.
  2. Back out the body mount bolt four or five turns.
  3. If necessary, have an assistant hold the lower retainer with a wrench.
  4. Strike the head of the bolt with a hammer to drive out the lower retainer.
  5. Remove the bolt and lower retainer.
  6. Use a jack and a block of wood and jack the body up enough to remove the old mount from between the frame and body.

    NOTE: Some of the other body mounts may need to be loosened in order to lift the body enough to remove the mount.

  7. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.

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