Position the vehicle on level ground. The transfer case fill/level check
plug is the upper most plug, located on the rear of the case
Remove the plug using a 3⁄8 in.
drive ratchet
Fig. 1: Location of transfer case oil filler, level
and drain plugs — MPV
Fig. 2: Location of transfer case oil filler and
drain plugs — B Series Pick-up and Navajo
On B Series Pick-up and Navajo models, remove the transfer case fill plug
(the upper plug) located on the rear of the transfer case. On MPV models,
remove the oil level plug located on the rear of the transfer case between
the drain and fill plugs. The fluid level should be up to that hole. Once
the plug is removed, fluid should trickle out of the hole. If not, add Mercon
ATF fluid until it does
If lubricant doesn't run out when the plug is removed, add lubricant until
it does run out.
For B Series Pick-up and Navajo models, apply sealant to the threads of
the filler plug and install. For MPV models, install the level plug and
new washer. Tighten the filler or level plug to 14–18 ft. lbs. (19–25