- Remove the timing chain tensioner.
- Rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise (as viewed from the front of the
engine) to take up the slack on the left hand side of the chain.
- Mark a reference point on a block approximately at mid–point of the
chain. Measure from this point to the chain.
- Rotate the crankshaft in the opposite direction to take up the slack on
the right hand side of the chain. Force the left hand side of the chain out
with your fingers and measure the distance between the reference point and
the chain. The deflection is the difference between the two measurements.
- If the deflection measurement exceeds specification, replace the timing
chain and sprockets.
- If the wear on the tensioner face exceeds 1.5mm, replace the tensioner.
- When installing the crankshaft sprocket, fill the keyway chamfer cavity
with EOAZ–19554–AA Threadlock and Sealer or equivalent, flush
with the front face of the sprocket.