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  1. Remove the PCV valve from the valve cover or engine block mounting grommet. The PCV valve for the 2.3L and 2.5L engines is mounted in the crankcase oil vent separator in a rubber grommet near the lower intake manifold, or its ventilation hose before the connection to the throttle body. The PCV valve for the 3.0L (B Series Pick-up) and 4.0L engines is mounted in a rubber grommet, installed towards the rear of the left-hand valve cover. On the 2.6L engine, the PCV valve is located at the front of the engine, mounted in a rubber grommet on top of the valve cover. The PCV valve on the 3.0L engine (MPV) is located at the rear of the engine, mounted in a rubber grommet on the right side valve cover.
  2. Shake the PCV valve. If the valve rattles when shaken, reinstall it and proceed to Step 3. If the valve does not rattle, it is sticking and must be replaced.
  3. Start the engine and bring it to normal operating temperature.

    Fig. 1: Check the PCV valve for vacuum at idle

  4. Disconnect the closure (fresh air) hose from the air inlet tube (connects the air cleaner housing to the throttle body).
  5. Place a stiff piece of paper over the hose end and wait 1 minute.
    1. If vacuum holds the paper in place, the system is OK; reconnect the hose.
    2. If the paper is not held in place, check for loose hose connections, vacuum leaks or blockage. Correct as necessary.

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